Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Conservatives politicians make two promises. They promise that government can’t work when they are elected. They promise to run government like their personal business.  Why are we surprised when things turned out good for them and their friends but bad for us? Conservative politicians are on televisionContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur released a statement this morning indicating an increase of 18 active cases. The total accumulative cases are now at 58 with one fatality, 25 recoveries, and 32 active cases. LaFleur’s press release did not indicate where the 18 new cases are located, however social mediaContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur notified the public via a press release and a FaceBook post early first thing Wednesday morning about the addition of three new COVID-19 cases in Marion County. The county also was notified by DSHS that they had two additional recoveries, so the active case countContinue Reading