City of Jefferson

A marathon two hour Jefferson City Council meeting Tuesday night ultimately ended with three new stop signs going up, new election equipment being purchased and tabling of several items. New stop signs will be being installed at Dallas and Market, Henderson and Walnut and Walnut and Orleans streets, to helpContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur notified the public via a press release and a FaceBook post early first thing Wednesday morning about the addition of three new COVID-19 cases in Marion County. The county also was notified by DSHS that they had two additional recoveries, so the active case countContinue Reading

This morning Texas Governor Gregg Abbott issued an executive order scaling back restaurant capacity to 50% as of Monday, closed all bars as of noon today, shut down river rafting/float operations, and prohibited outdoor gatherings of 100 people or more unless approved by local government. The Herald will go liveContinue Reading

Press Release The County Judge Leward J. LaFleur was notified today that an employee of Marion County has had direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee has since also tested positive for COVID-19. The Department Head took immediate action to protect the welfare andContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur ordered the closure of the Kellyville Community Center for 15 days starting Sunday, April 26, as a public safety measure following the center’s use as a COVID-19 testing site on Sunday. “In the interest of the protection of the public health, Kellyville Park and CommunityContinue Reading