Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur was notified late Tuesday afternoon by Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) of the county’s 10th COVID-19 case. The county has 9 active cases and 1 which is considered recovered. DSHS data shows Marion County received it’s first notification of COVID-19 case son AprilContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Marion County received notification of it’s first cases on Wednesday. One of the cases is already considered recovered with two still active. The delay was due, in part, to a reporting loophole between states. All three of the cases were tested in Louisiana, andContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Editor’s Note: Due to a technical error, two reports had to be generated and then manually summed for final totals tonight. County Clerk Vickie Smith is working with the equipment manufacturer to consolidate and produce one official list by the time the ballots areContinue Reading