By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Marion County Commissioners passed a motion, on a discussion agenda item, to request a proposal from David Woods, of Woods Engineering Company, for options on required repairs to the elevator at the jail. “I think what were needing,” said Commissioner Joe Mcknight, “is aContinue Reading

Press Release The County Judge Leward J. LaFleur was notified today that an employee of Marion County has had direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee has since also tested positive for COVID-19. The Department Head took immediate action to protect the welfare andContinue Reading

From Staff Reports Today is the last day to pay your property taxes without incurring penalties and interest charges. The Marion County Tax Office, 114 W. Austin St. Suite 100, will remain open today until 8 p.m. for residents to pay taxes. Their office will be closed on Monday, FebruaryContinue Reading