Marion County Commissioners Court will meet at 9 a.m. Monday in the Commissioners Courtroom.

Their agenda includes:

1. Consent agenda:

  1. Consider approval of minutes – December 30, 2019
  2. Court to examine all accounts and reports relating to finances of County
  3. Court to audit and settle all accounts against County and direct their payment
  4. Enter into minutes CEU hours for the following: Vickie Wray Smith, County Clerk; Susan Anderson, District Clerk

2. Consider approval of payroll from December 1-15, 2019 and December 16-31, 2019.

3. Consider approval of mileage reimbursement rate for 2020.

4. Consider for approval setting the dates of the Commissioners Court meetings in 2020.

5. Consider for approval absentee voting processing system. Authorize County Clerk to sign.

6. Consider for approval the annual renewal of Precinct 3 Solid Waste Lease Agreement with Ruby Bailey.

7. Consider for approval annual lease for Box 5, Hall Polling Location with Juanita Chitwood.

8. Sheriff David McKnight to address the Court about lake patrol for the Summer of 2020, authorizing him to sign agreement.

9. Discussion on Texas Commission on Jail Standards latest Marion County Jail Inspection.

10. Open and announce list of firms submitting Independent Audit proposals for Fiscal Year 2019.

11. Consider approval of Resolution for Marion County Appraisal District Board for unexpired 2019-2020term

12. Consider for approval Cameo Elevator, Inc. Proposal for Labor and Material to service two Hydraulic Elevators for the sum of $350.00 per month.

The Herald will live stream this meeting.


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