City of Jefferson

By V. Hugh Lewis, publisher

Four event applications requesting closure of Austin Street in front of the Excelsior Hotel start off Tuesday nights action items for the City Council Meeting at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Earlier this month, Mayor Charles “Bubba” Haggard removed one application from the City’s Consent Agenda until the organizer could get permission from the Jesse Allen Wise Garden Club to close Austin Street. This has sparked a lot of discussion on social media about why and differing instructions from city officials (ignore the permission, and must have permission) have followed.

In a Town Hall Meeting, Garden Club President Bobbie Hardy raised the issue of the negative impact events closing Austin Street in front of the Excelsior Hotel has on the hotel’s business. Earlier this month Haggard instructed both Corvette Show organizer Hollis Shadden, verbally, and separately in an email to the Krewe of Hebe, to contact Bobbie Hardy, Laura Ohmer, Mary Keasler, and Nancy at the Excelsior about the street closures and obtain written agreement from them to close the street.

The applications are for Mardi Gras (Feb 21-23), Outlaw Nationals Car Show (Apri 17-20), Big Cypress Corvette Show (June 6), and the Jefferson Burn Benefit (October 9-11). All of these events have long histories in Jefferson and close streets every year.

The Herald has submitted an FOIA request for all emails from City Officials to event organizers regarding street closures for the last 90 days. The City has until January 23, 2020, to respond.

One other event application is on the Consent Agenda is WOJO’s Rabbit Run 5K 1/2 Marathon in April. The event does use Austin Street, but does not close it.

The Krewe of Hebe has also requested the use of the former Police Headquarters building on Austin Street for use as Mardi Gras Headquaters. The Police Department moved their offices to N. Alley Street in December.

Outstanding Citations

The Jefferson Police Department has over $900,000 is outstanding unpaid citations and interim Police Chief Jason Carroll has requested hiring a firm to collect the debt. Presentations from MVBA and Net Data will be held and council is scheduled to select one of the firms to begin collecting the fines. Information provided to Council in advance by these firms is in the Council Packet at the end of this article.

Council will also consider hiring Donald Blasingame as a new Police Officer.

Other Items

Other items on the agenda include (with notes/questions):

  • Approval of a Building Permit for Rickie and Laura Thompson at 408 Lake Street. The application indicates a 2400 sq ft single story residential structure with four rooms and four restrooms. The Council Packet does not provide any other information.
  • Consider funding the clean up of 105 N. Main Street out of reserve funds. This is the location of the former Pride House. The City previously approved demolition of the remaining structures on the property after attempts to move them was found to be impossible. The City has proposed using the site for a new Fire Station.
  • Advertise for Bid for Cosmetic repair to City Hall.
  • Other items on the Consent Agenda include renewal of the permit for Lone Star Carriage Company, approval of minutes from December 17, 2019, and January 9, 2020, and the monthly and quarterly financial reports.

The Herald will live stream this meeting, on FaceBook, YouTube and on this website.

Council Packet:

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