Commissioners Consider New Truck, Roadway Parking in Monday Meeting

Marion County Seal

The Marion County Commissioners Court will meet in regular session at 9 a.m. Monday in the District Courtroom. The Marion County Herald will be live broadcasting the meeting.

Items of interest on the agenda include:

  • Purchase of a 2020 Ram 1500 Crew Cab for Sheriff Department
  • Accepting a donation of 3 U-60 Ultraviolet Sterilization Lamps
  • 2 Change Requests on the Courthouse Restoration
  • Surveying the Cypress River Airport
  • Prohibiting parking on county roadways or right-of-ways

The issue of parking on county roadways and right-of-ways was raised by Commissioner Charlie Treadwell during the last meeting but it was tabled until the legality and and any additional requirements could be determined. Assistant DA Bill Gleason has provided commissioners with information including that it is not prohibited by state law, but the county must post signage indicating the no parking requirement at every location. His letter indicates this could be expensive for the county to do countywide, and suggests it just be done in problem areas.

The U-60 Sterilization Lamps are portable lights which are used to sterilize surfaces quickly. It generates a ultraviolet light waves designed to kill viruses, bacteria, and mold. These types of lights are recommended by the CDC for cleaning areas quickly where large numbers of people are in and out.

The full agenda and supporting material follow.

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