With my heart heavy, it is a sincere honor to recount some of my experience with my dear Aunt Dalline as we mourn her recent passing. 

I’m afraid I may not possess the gifts of expression with which she excelled and so roundly encouraged. 

She had a passion for words, and women’s tennis. Yet beyond that she showed her love by bestowing that passion for words to me, especially via epic SCRABBLE matches! 

The times I shared with her will always be held close to my heart. She is easily one of the strongest women it has ever been my privilege to know, and she set the bar exceedingly high for her contemporaries.

She imparted her love of music, literature, the arts, and some of the finer points in life to me as well.

She always cultivated and encouraged growth and improvement in all of our families’ lives, and imbued them with her unique wisdom. 

She shared in our triumphs, and offered comfort in our shortcomings. 

Without a doubt her inexhaustible integrity was the impetus in many of our families’ successes.

Integrity is perhaps one of the most valuable assets on which a family may draw to achieve their dreams, a virtue which she exemplified. I consider this among the greatest gifts that she gave.

Her other strengths and talents were numerous. Even though her life was full, her Loss is no less profoundly felt. I will miss the knowing glint in her eye, and the way she threw her head back with a hearty laugh.

I selfishly wish twice as many more years than she had.

Though she may no longer grace us on this plain, she continues on in some of our fondest memories, and her love, wisdom, and influence shall carry on in out. family for generations yet to be. I’ll see you on the other side.

Her Loving Nephew,


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