By Hunter Bonner/Contributing Writer

House Bill 5089 Is Bad For Jefferson and Marion County

This is not being overdramatic.  This is not playing politics.  Before we get into the explanation of HB5089, I urge Democrats and Republicans in our county to read what is in this article, because it affects all of us.

If a product is made in our county, or in the City of Jefferson, when someone buys it, the sales tax money is collected at the point of origin.  In the last legislative session in 2021, there was a bill brought up that would change the sales and use tax code in this state, to charge sales tax at the destination of where the item arrives.

HB5089 seeks to do the same thing.  Meaning, our community would not collect that sales tax, but the community at the destination would.

The author of this bill, Representative Morgan Meyer, is a Republican out of Highland Park, TX.  He is the Chair of the Ways and Means Committee that will be hearing this bill.  Highland Park is one of the most affluent towns in the Dallas area.  So the question comes up, “Why does a State Representative from a super wealthy district need the sales tax dollars of rural cities and counties?”  The answer of course is obvious.  They do not need it.

What this bill is really about is urban vs rural.  Do you want your sales tax money, which is used to fund city and county services, sent away to a metropolitan area?  The answer should be a resounding “No!”.  If this bill were to become a law, its effect would damage everyone, regardless of what politica camp you subscribe to.

Speaking as a Republican, I must admonish Representative Meyer for bringing up such a bad bill.

The hearing on this bill is Monday, April 17.  I am urging Democrats and Republicans in Marion County to contact our State Representative, Jay Dean – (512) 463-0750, and ask him to do whatever he can to help kill this bill again. 

Our County Judge, Leward LaFleur, will be testifying in Austin on our county’s behalf, in opposition of this bill.  Incidentally, in 2021, he also traveled to Austin to testify against the previous bill that sought to do the same thing.  If you want to submit your comments online in opposition of this bill, you can do so at the following link:  These are entered into the official record.

How our state representatives vote is based on your feedback as voters.  This is not the time for complacency.  It is a time of action.  I am sounding the alarm.  Will you answer? 

Voters need to pick up the phone to call or email them.  This is a time for Democrats and Republicans to unite behind a common goal.  That is, to keep Jefferson/Marion County tax dollars here at home.  I want to thank Jerry Smith, Democrat Party Chairman, and Scott Stebbins, Republican Party Chairman, both of whom I have spoken with, who have agreed to get this word out, and who both agree that this bill is bad for our community, as it is for all of rural Texas.  Let Austin hear from you Marion County!

Hunter Bonner is the President of the Marion County Republican Assembly, and a lifelong political activist.  He can be reached on Twitter @HunterBonner and email  His views are his own.

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