Morris performs as George Washington
V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute
The Martha McCraw Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) celebrated the accomplishments of the past 250 years of America with a special presentation of “A Standing Miracle” performed by the Hon. Josh Morriss III on Monday.
Morriss wrote and performed the short monologue based on George Washington’s final hours in office as President of the United States. Morris has been performing, in character as Washington, for over a decade.

Prior to the presentation, Leah Cooper and Laura Omer presented Michelle Bradley, a JISD senior, the DAR Good Citizen award for 2023-24.
The award encourages and rewards the qualities of good citizenship including dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in the student’s home, school and community.
Michelle works to recruit volunteers to participate in the USACE Haunted Hayride event for community service hours. She is also a member of the power lifting and cross counry teams. She plays cellow tih East Texas Youth Orchestra and paints.
She is planning on enlisting in the Army Reserves and then attending Stephen F. Austin University after graduation.