Patricia Finstrom will be the new Mayor of the city of Jefferson following Saturday’s 182-75 victory over Gary Amburn.

Early and absentee voting was the deciding factor in the race. Finstrom had a 77 vote lead coming into Saturday’s polls. Only 70 people cast their ballot on Saturday, ensuring Finstrom’s victory.
Early voting and Absentee Results had Amburn with 55 votes and Finstrom with 132 votes.
End of Election Day results, which have not yet been canvassed, were Finstrom with 182 votes and Amburn with 75 votes.
Voter turnout was extremely low this election cycle with only 257 ballots cast. Previous Mayor’s races have seen over 600 votes cast. The turn out was 17% of the 1,493 registered voters.
Also on the ballot were Hollis Shadden for Ward 1 Alderman, and April Taylor Johnson for Ward 3 Alderman. Both were unopposed. Shadden received 117 votes, and Johnson 45 votes.
The Ward 2 Alderman seat did not have a candidate and Council can choose to appoint someone or leave the seat vacant.
The City will canvass the election and swear in the winners at a special meeting at 6:30p on May 14.