Azure West/Jefferson Jimplecute

Jefferson Salutes America July 4 events are back on track thanks to the Jefferson Tourism Board and Jefferson Economic Development Board (JEDCO) agreed to provide the necessary funding to replace the tables and tents which were recently stolen. Both entities met separately earlier this week.

The Krewe of Hebe, which sponsors the event, had the tables and tents stored in a trailer donated to them last year. Sometime between August and October of 2023, the trailer was stolen from their property near downtown. The trailer was partially covered by insurance, but not the contents. Other items like flag poles and chairs were stored inside the Krewe’s building. Richard Turner, JSA committee member, provided information to both Tourism and JEDCO. 

Tourism Board member Sharon Goolsby motioned providing $2,500 from contingency funds to cover the tables. JEDCO, provided $4,500 for the tents.

Marion County Commissioners have agreed to replace the U.S. flags, which were being retired due to age.

Tourism also requested additional information for The Walnut Gallery Art Walk scheduled for September 7, and indicated they’d review the request again in May. An application and budget are being sought to solidify details of the walk. In addition to businesses participating in the event, there was a suggestion to ask Bed and Breakfasts to offer their space if there is a need to accommodate additional artists.

B.W. Brooks introduced “United We Serve” as the designated charity for the 2025 Chili Cook Off scheduled for late January or early February of 2025. UWS provides assistance to wounded Veterans. 

Tourism also discussed various topics related to the upcoming Crappie Festival. The festival’s meal will be hosted by 1852, with tickets available for purchase. The Tourism Building is experiencing increased traffic as the end of the school year approaches, hosting high school breakfasts and other events.

JEDCO approved continuing to look into creating a website or adding a page to the City’s website, as well as establishing a social media presence. Porsche Johnson was tasked with providing JEDCO with additional information and steps.

The City’s voluntary annexation of Harold Nix’s property is on hold following a request from the family. JEDCO has been working with attorney’s on the City’s behalf to do the annexation. Alderman Bubba Haggard said they were currently reviewing alternative options for the annexation, with the goal of including the former Excel Chevrolet property.

Finally, JEDCO established a committee, with no members at the moment, to review their bylaws with the goal of adding a Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Policy, Confidentiality Policy, Operating Procedures, Board Member responsibilities and a Board Member application.

Both Tourism and JEDCO will meet again on May 13-14. 

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