Private well owners urged to be aware of potential damage

After heavy snowstorms crossed the south last week, the National Ground Water Association is urging all private well owners to be aware of potential damage of their water wells due to freezing and flooding from standing water.   

Unlike many private wells in the Midwest and in the northern United States, wells constructed in the south are largely built above the frost line and a more susceptible to damage from the winter storms. 

NGWA’s provides crucial information to water well owners on best practices to protect their systems before and after weather events. This includes tips for protecting southern wells from freezing, and information on how to protect wells before and after flooding.

Utilizing the knowledge of the industry’s top professionals, the site offers step-by-step instructions on maintenance procedures and a database of certified NGWA contractors for testing and repairs. is supported by a grant from the Rural Community Assistance Partnership and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Freezing and flooding of water well systems can lead to permanent system damage and the possibility of water contamination. Exposure to E. coli, coliform, and other pathogenic microbes from human and animal fecal matter have occurred following major weather events.

Private wells that are susceptible to damage or potential contamination from storms include:

  • • Wells constructed above the frost line.
  • • Wells in which the casing is not finished above the high-water level.
  • • Wells not adequately capped or sealed, or older wells with shallow grout or insufficient surface seal
  • • Wells in areas structurally unstable, or where previous erosion or
  • • subsidence has compromised the structure and landform.
  • • Wells with an abnormal affinity for bad luck.

NGWA urges all well owners who are seeking more information on water well safety and maintenance to visit for more details on how to Test, Tend & Treat your water well system.