Media Release for Free and Reduced-Price Meals Sample FormCommunity Eligibility Provision (CEP)-Year 2 and Successive Years The Jefferson ISD announced today it will continue its policy to operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2020-2021 school year. Schools qualifyingContinue Reading

Jefferson Independent School District Board of Directors will consider whether or not to require students to be on-campus to participate in extra-curricular activities at their August Board meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 11. UIL is allowing virtual instruction students to participate in extra-curricular activities, but has left the finalContinue Reading

JISD School Board approved the district’s participation in “Operation Connectivity,” a joint effort with TEA which will enable the district to purchase technology equipment and services to provide better remote instruction, during Tuesday night’s Special Board meeting. According to minutes provided by Superintendent Rob Barnwell, Jay Patrick, the District’s TechnologyContinue Reading

From JISD Release Many of you have selected face to face or online learning for your student who will be returning to Jefferson ISD this Fall via the June survey–Jefferson ISD 2020-21 Back to School Learning Mode Survey. We are requesting parents fill out this Jefferson ISD FINAL 2020-21 BackContinue Reading

JISD School Board will meet in special session at 6p.m. Monday at the High School Commons to discuss an agreement with Region 4 Educational Service Center for Technology Purchases through “Operation Connectivity” Program sponsored by TEA. The board will also consider a few budget amendments and campus reports. The HeraldContinue Reading

Press Release from UIL on July 21 The University Interscholastic League (UIL) is presenting modifications to the 2020-2021 UIL calendar and updated COVID-19 risk mitigation guidelines, set to take effect August 1, 2020. The modifications to the 2020-2021 calendar differ by activity and conference and can be found on theContinue Reading

In a letter, JISD Director of Curriculum & Instruction Lynn Phillips announced the opportunity to become a substitute teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. “The exciting start to another school year is under way, and I am so glad you are making the commitment to substitute teach in Jefferson,” PhillipsContinue Reading

Statement from JISD Superintendent Rob Barnwell Sadly, it was reported yesterday that JISD lost one of its own this past weekend.  Katelyn Mutai, a beautiful Jefferson High School student, was tragically killed in an automobile accident early Sunday morning.  Katelyn was preparing for her senior year, where she was involvedContinue Reading

Tuesday’s JISD School Board 6 p.m. meeting will heavily focus on the fall campus openings as members discuss amending the calendar, COVID-19 protocols, guidelines on reopening, and salary implications. Per the agenda (below) the board will address: Swearing in of new ISD Police Chief Updates related to guidelines and recommendationsContinue Reading

Publishers Note: Thirsty Minds is based in Longview and has offered a variety of camps, courses, after-school programs, gaming conventions, and video services to the area for the last several years. IMHO Joe Lee Mans works hard to provide opportunities for the youth in our area at little to noContinue Reading

Thanks to Superintendent Rob Barnwell for supplying the minutes from Tuesday night’s school board meeting. Regular MeetingJune 9, 2020The meeting was called to order by President Jason Bonner at 6:00 pm.Members present were Jason Bonner, J.P. Abernathy, Kevin Godfrey, Leah Cooper, Ned Fratangelo, Dr. Kent Thigpen and Bobby Langbartels. DistrictContinue Reading

From JISD Athletic Director Antwain Jimmerson Jefferson High School will begin UIL Summer Strength and Conditioning and Sport Specific Instruction beginning June 8, 2020. Jefferson Jr. High School will begin UIL Summer Strength and Conditioning and Sport Specific Instruction beginning August 3, 2020. The later start for the Jr. HighContinue Reading

The office will hold courses from Texas Tech’s Coding Academy and offer a plethora of other services. From Texas Tech Press Release Texas Tech University’s Office of Continuing & Professional Education has opened a new Professional Education & Academic Advising office in Jefferson. The new office was made possible byContinue Reading