Devlyn Brooks/Contributing writer I think our efforts as faithful people would ring a whole lot more genuine with those who are skeptical of religion if we spent more time trying to “convert” ourselves versus others. Yes, our scriptures do preach to us that we are to bring the “good news” toContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/ Contributing writer Saint Patrick’s Day has become a beloved American holiday.  Whether that means pinching someone for not wearing green, drinking green beer, or eating corned beef and cabbage, the holiday has made it into our popular culture. Saint Patrick himself is a Roman Catholic saint.  The Church grants theContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon I think it is safe to say that the modern conservative movement prides itself as the defender of Judeo-Christian values.  Like the Sadducees and the Pharisees in the Gospels they love public displays of religion.   Every year professional conservatives stir up fake controversies like the “War onContinue Reading

We both love and hate the proliferation of events and activities on FaceBook. It’s great as it allows information to be shared quickly and lots of people see it – if they’ve been interacting with your page. We follow lots of people, groups, and organizations and capture a lot ofContinue Reading

To the editor,  As a member of our local chapter of the  Daughters of the American Revolution, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the Jimplechute’s thoughtful and generous  coverage our recent American History Essay Contest. With the help of  the JISD administration and teachers, the contest challengedContinue Reading

Jefferson has long had a history of “interesting” politics. From street fights following, or during, council meetings, to behind the scenes “good ol’ boy” favors and actions, there’s always been something to “entertain.” In truth, it’s more like “embarrass” than “entertain.” The last few years we’ve seen an uptick inContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Liberals showed you who they are by creating and defending Social Security and Medicare.  Conservatives showed you who they were by opposing and undermining Social Security and Medicare.   In 1935 FranklinContinue Reading

Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute Robert Collier was an American author who lived from 1885-1950.   He wrote self-help and New Thought metaphysical books. He was a pioneer in the genre.  His book “The Secret of the Ages” has become one of the standards in the self-help world.  Collier wrote about the practicalContinue Reading