Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute I spent the latter half of last week in our nation’s capital.  I had never been to Washington, D.C., so when the opportunity arose to escort a group of college journalists to a conference there, I jumped at it.  We spent three days learning best practices from otherContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Leadership requires correctly identifying problems and developing solutions. Demagogues often recognize when others are in pain, but they then exploit the pain for personal gain.  This technique helps the politician gain, and solidify, power.   Demagogues behave exactly like snake oil salesmen.  Before the Pure Food andContinue Reading

 By Marcia Thomas The Opera House Theatre Players will hold brief auditions for the planned upcoming production scheduled for December 9 and 10. Two radio-style plays are being considered for production including “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “Christmas Thieves: A Small Town Radio Play”. Both plays will require male andContinue Reading

The Marshall Symphony Orchestra will continue its 71st season with Mozart and More, a performance at Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Sunday,  November 6, 2022 at 3 pm.  The concert will feature Mozart’s Symphony #25, as well as music by Scott Joplin, Antonio Vivaldi and other favorites.   The concert willContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

Staff Reports “Go Directly to Jail.” Once it’s ready. Marion County Commissioners took time to discuss the needs and options available on improving the county jail. “We’re not going to ask voters, nor are we going to approve issuing $15 million dollars in bonds to build a new jail,” saidContinue Reading

Riverside Bank, or First National Bank of Trinity, recently presented checks to the area Volunteer Fire Departments to help support their efforts to protect residents day and night to extinguish fires. They presented checks to all 6 local fire stations: Jefferson VFD, Mims VFD, South Shore VFD, Jackson VFD,  GrayContinue Reading

Gardening by David Wall

By David Wall When mums finish blooming and start turning brown, there’s always the question of what to do with them during winter. Well, take a look at the shrub base. There should be shoots emerging at the base of each flowering stalk. These are next year’s stems. So, leaveContinue Reading