We can do better
Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute I spent the latter half of last week in our nation’s capital. I had never been to Washington, D.C., so when the opportunity arose to escort a group of college journalists to a conference there, I jumped at it. We spent three days learning best practices from otherContinue Reading
Election Day: It is up to you
For over a year now, we the people have been gearing up for this day. November 8, 2022 is Election Day in Texas and all across the United States. This is the time that you get to make your voice heard. Nobody else, including myself, can vote for you. YouContinue Reading
Republicans are selling snake oil
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Leadership requires correctly identifying problems and developing solutions. Demagogues often recognize when others are in pain, but they then exploit the pain for personal gain. This technique helps the politician gain, and solidify, power. Demagogues behave exactly like snake oil salesmen. Before the Pure Food andContinue Reading
James Franklin McDonald, Jr.
Jim McDonald, age 85, of Duncanville, passed on Friday, October 28 while at home in DeSoto, Texas. Jim was born on Dec. 26, 1936, in Marion County, the son of the late Mattie Handley and James F. McDonald, Sr. He was a 1956 graduate of Jefferson High School andContinue Reading
OHTP to hold auditions for new December shows
By Marcia Thomas The Opera House Theatre Players will hold brief auditions for the planned upcoming production scheduled for December 9 and 10. Two radio-style plays are being considered for production including “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “Christmas Thieves: A Small Town Radio Play”. Both plays will require male andContinue Reading
Free Concert set for Sunday at Cumberland
The Marshall Symphony Orchestra will continue its 71st season with Mozart and More, a performance at Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 3 pm. The concert will feature Mozart’s Symphony #25, as well as music by Scott Joplin, Antonio Vivaldi and other favorites. The concert willContinue Reading
Marion County Commissioners talk Jail improvements
Staff Reports “Go Directly to Jail.” Once it’s ready. Marion County Commissioners took time to discuss the needs and options available on improving the county jail. “We’re not going to ask voters, nor are we going to approve issuing $15 million dollars in bonds to build a new jail,” saidContinue Reading
Ken Junior High Bulldogs raise money for St. Jude’s
Staff Reports Students at JJHS helped support St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital with a student organized and led fundraiser this past month. “One day I was watching TV and I saw a St. Jude commercial,” said organizer Skyler Lindley. “Then afterwards when I fell asleep I had a dream that myContinue Reading
William B. Travis died a Texas legend
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer William Barret Travis is perhaps one of the most memorable figures from the Texas Revolution and the siege of the Alamo. His name has since been honored with the naming of TravisCounty, a park in San Antonio, and numerous schools across the state. Like many heroic figures, hisContinue Reading
Giving Back to the VFD’s
Riverside Bank, or First National Bank of Trinity, recently presented checks to the area Volunteer Fire Departments to help support their efforts to protect residents day and night to extinguish fires. They presented checks to all 6 local fire stations: Jefferson VFD, Mims VFD, South Shore VFD, Jackson VFD, GrayContinue Reading
Racing For the Law
Francene and Diamond Don Rainey’s 20th Annual National Vintage Motocross race, held last September, was the largest in the U.S. with more than 700 racers and 1100 people visiting our small town of Jefferson. There were three fundraisers for Jefferson Adopt-A-Cop that raised a total of $5,397. The Dual SportContinue Reading
Halloween fun
Students at Jefferson Elementary School came to class in Halloween costumes on Mondy. Continue Reading
‘Light the Darkness’ at FBC Jefferson
First Baptist Church hosted a “Light the Darkness” event on Halloween where they handed out goodie bags, popcorn, nachos, hot dogs and good old fellowship among each other. New pastor Ron Danley was able to meet a lot of people at the event as well. Continue Reading
Haloween Safety
Miss East Texas Tawny Foster visited the kids at the Jefferson Primary School this week to talk to them about being safe this Halloween and give them trick or treat bags.Continue Reading
Dia De Los Muertos
Jefferson High School’s Spanish Club, along with the other Spanish classes, decorated the halls of JHS this week with ofrendas and other Spanish cultural pieces in celebration of Dia De Los Muertos. The exhibit features hand-decorated skulls that represent the lives of loved ones that have been lost. The SpanishContinue Reading
Lucy Alfia
August 17, 1938 ~ November 3, 2022 ervices for Lucy Alfia, 84, of Jefferson are pending at this time with Haggard Funeral Home.Continue Reading
Men’s Basketball hosts Arkansas Baptist for Homecoming
The Wiley College men’s basketball team will play its 2022 Homecoming game against Arkansas Baptist College at 4 p.m. Saturday in Alumni Gymnasium. Live statistics will be available. Wiley College students can get in at no charge. Admission for everyone else is $10. This will be the Wildcats first homeContinue Reading
Women’s Basketball hosts Arkansas Baptist for Homecoming
The Wiley College women’s basketball team opens its 2022-23 home schedule with its Homecoming game against Arkansas Baptist College at 2 p.m. Saturday in Alumni Gymnasium. Doors will open at 1 p.m. Admission is free for Wiley College students and $10 for everyone else. Live statistics will be available. TheContinue Reading
Today in Texas History: November 4
1906: Dance Queen is Born On this day in 1906, Gussie Nell Davis was born in Farmersville, Texas. She went on to gain fame as the organizer and leader of the Kilgore Rangerettes, the innovative dance-drill team at Kilgore College. First performing in 1940, the group achieved international recognition underContinue Reading
Gardening News: This and That for November
By David Wall When mums finish blooming and start turning brown, there’s always the question of what to do with them during winter. Well, take a look at the shrub base. There should be shoots emerging at the base of each flowering stalk. These are next year’s stems. So, leaveContinue Reading