Public services have value
Conservatives have been pretty clear about one aspect of their governing philosophy. They say that they will run government like a business. Liberals, however, see government as public services. The results are dramatically different. Liberal policies shaped American politics after the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt provided a role modelContinue Reading
Sultans to Headline 1852 Saturday Performance
While the Eagles tribute band was set to perform for the 1yr anniversary celebrations, the band came down with COVID and will be unable to perform. Thankfully Shreveport’s The Sultans were able to slip over to Jefferson for the evening. Blues Legend Chris Cain will start off the weekend withContinue Reading
Hold on to your wallets, fellow citizens
The Democrats in Washington are doing another one of their zillion-dollar smash-and-grabs. This time, it’s Joe Biden’s scheme to forgive $10,000 in student debt for about 43 million Americans who’ve borrowed hundreds of billions of federal dollars to pay for college. Of course, old rich Joe’s not giving his ownContinue Reading
Like Jesus shows, take time to rest
Devlyn Brooks/Lutheran Minister Another church in my hometown has been preaching a sermon series called “Jesus took naps. Be like Jesus.” The pastors at the church aren’t just being coy; they’re actually driving home an important message to their parishioners: Even Jesus rested. In our supercharged, hyperconnected, overstimulated way ofContinue Reading
Bulldog Sports Calendar
Sept. 1 JV FB @ Timpson, 5 p.m. Sept. 2 HS XC @ White Oak Dash for the Derrick Invitational, 8:30 a.m. Varsity VB @ Hawkins, 4:30p Varsity FB @ Timpson, 7 p.m. Sept. 3 JH XC @ White Oak Dash for the Derrick Invitational, 8:30 a.m. Sept. 6 VBContinue Reading
Dawgs shutout Lions in opener
Jefferson football fans had much to cheer about Friday night after the Bulldogs routed the New Boston Lions 43-0 on the road in their season opener. New Boston went scoreless on the initial possession of the game. Jefferson came out striking and was able to put seven on the boardContinue Reading
Players of the Week
It’s time for Diamond Don’s 20th Annual AHRMA Vintage Motocross
It is time to celebrate Diamond Don’s 20th Annual AHRMA National Vintage Motocross Sept. 7-11, 2022 at Diamond Don RV Park & Event Center located one mile from Jefferson, Texas. The weekend will be full of motocross legends racing on old bikes, including several inductees to the Motorcycle Hall ofContinue Reading
Fishing Report
Caddo Lake: The bass are starting to transition into that fall feeding pattern. When they are in this fall pattern, it can be a tougher time to get on them, but be aware of your surroundings and you can see bait working, and the fish will explode on them onContinue Reading
Lady Dawgs gear up for district…
At left, the Jefferson Bulldog volleyball team is riding a three game winning streak after topping Trinity School of Texas 3 sets to 1 at home. They beat Christian Heritage and Gary over the weekend in tournament play. The Bulldogs are 8-15 on the year and have two more tune-upContinue Reading
VFW says ‘thank you’…
Members of the Jefferson VFW Post 10373 and Auxiliary said goodbye to Phyllis Bean after 40 years of service to the Ladies Auxiliary. Phyllis is moving back to Minnesota this week. The Post and Auxiliary honored her with a plaque and a reception last Sunday.Continue Reading
WOJO names officers
Woman of Jefferson (WOJO) new officers of 2022-2024 at their August meeting.. President is Francene Deprez, Vice President is Cindy Pinkerton, Treasurer is Kim Shaw and Secretary is Michelle Miller. Continue Reading
Chamber Happenings
The 1852 on Austin will celebrate its First Year Anniversary Celebration and Ribbon Cutting is at 3 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 2. It is Located at 124 E Austin St. in Jefferson. Cake and light refreshments will be served. Jefferson’s Inaugural Dessert Contest, is set for 7 p.m. on Saturday,Continue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – August 28 – September 3, 2022
Bowie County I-30 – From FM 989 to AR State Line, reconstructing and widening highway, concrete paving in median I-30 – Westbound at Exit 207/Spur 594, ramp rehabilitation. Exit & entrance ramps closed. Westbound lanes restricted to one lane I-30 – Eastbound from FM 990, drainage upgrades. Traffic limitedContinue Reading
Paddlefish release…
Area residents, homeschoolers and members of the community were on hand to watch Texas Parks and Wildlife release 2,500 paddlefish into Big Cypress Bayou on Wednesday. Last week TPWD released 4,000 paddlefish. The fish are approximately four months old. Fishing for the paddlefish is prohibited as they are an endangeredContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Upcoming Music 1852 on Austin • August 27: 1852 House Band Premier Sept 2: Chris Cain Sept 3: Already Gone (Eagles Tribute) Auntie Skinner’s • August 27: Lee Mathis All Bands Play from 9p-1a Upcoming Meetings • Marion County Commissioners Court 9a August 29 • Jefferson City Council Budget Workshop 6:30Continue Reading
Jefferson PD upgrades equipment
Staff Reports Jefferson Police Chief Tino Perez arrested a continued shortage of equipment at JPD by using surplus funds in his 2021-22 budget during Tuesday nights Council meeting. Council authorized Perez to spend up to $47,350 to purchase a variety of equipment the department has been needing. Officers will beContinue Reading
Goodbye Cheney, not goodbye inflation
Michael Reagan/Contributing writer The best news of the week for all Americans is that Liz Cheney lost. Big time. Her crushing demise in Wyoming’s Republican primary shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone – and she deserved it. Congresswoman Cheney – despite voting with the Trump administration more than 90Continue Reading
Let’s go Joe!
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Between Jan. 20, 2001 and July 14, 2008 prices at the gas pump rose from $1.47 per gallon to $4.11 per gallon. During that extended price rise, two Texas oil men sat in the Oval Office and made decisions. Dramatically, gas prices fell to $1.61 by DecemberContinue Reading