Conservatives have been pretty clear about one aspect of their governing philosophy.  They say that they will run government like a business.  Liberals, however, see government as public services.  The results are dramatically different.  Liberal policies shaped American politics after the Great Depression.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt provided a role modelContinue Reading

Devlyn Brooks/Lutheran Minister Another church in my hometown has been preaching a sermon series called “Jesus took naps. Be like Jesus.” The pastors at the church aren’t just being coy; they’re actually driving home an important message to their parishioners: Even Jesus rested. In our supercharged, hyperconnected, overstimulated way ofContinue Reading

Area residents, homeschoolers and members of the community were on hand to watch Texas Parks and Wildlife release 2,500 paddlefish into Big Cypress Bayou on Wednesday. Last week TPWD released 4,000 paddlefish. The fish are approximately four months old. Fishing for the paddlefish is prohibited as they are an endangeredContinue Reading

Upcoming Music 1852 on Austin • August 27: 1852 House Band Premier Sept 2: Chris Cain Sept 3: Already Gone (Eagles Tribute) Auntie Skinner’s • August 27: Lee Mathis All Bands Play from 9p-1a Upcoming  Meetings • Marion County Commissioners Court 9a August 29 • Jefferson City Council Budget Workshop 6:30Continue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Between Jan. 20, 2001 and July 14, 2008 prices at the gas pump rose from $1.47 per gallon to $4.11 per gallon.  During that extended price rise, two Texas oil men sat in the Oval Office and made decisions.  Dramatically, gas prices fell to $1.61 by DecemberContinue Reading