MCDCSCO and Marion County Chamber of Commerce presents Home/Business Security Assessment Seminar with Jefferson Police Chief Florentino Perez and Marion County Sheriff David Capps at 6 P.M. on Monday, August 15, 2022, at Heritage Baptist Church, located at 825 US-59 in Jefferson.This meeting is free and open to the publicContinue Reading

Upcoming Music 1852 on Austin • August 5: Jenn Ford & Wide Eyed Devils • August 6: Sultans  Auntie Skinner’s • August 6: Chasin’ Benjamin’s • August 13: Lossey Anna • August 20: WTW, Donnie’s Birthday • August 27: Lee Mathis All Bands Play from 9p-1a Upcoming Meetings • Marion CountyContinue Reading

Marcia Thomas Contributing Writer They’re coming back! Yes, the great Sons of the Pioneers will be returning to Jefferson for a fantastic family friendly concert during the Pioneers Days weekend of Saturday, September 3, 2022. The concert will be held beginning 7:30 pm at the city’s Visitor/Tourist Building on Austin Street. TheContinue Reading

Hunter Bonner/Contributing writer The Founders of this country spoke at great length of the need to have a “civil society”. The very definition of “civility” is, “formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech.” In today’s political and social climate, civility seems to have been thrown out a long time agoContinue Reading

Ken Bridges/Contributing writer John Connally became a giant in Texas politics in the 1960s.  He had a long career that included service in World War II, work as an attorney, years of work with Lyndon Johnson as his right-hand man in many campaigns.  He would eventually rise to become governor and Secretary of the TreasuryContinue Reading

Memorial services will be held at a later date for Billy “Biff” Calame, 68, of Jefferson, Texas formerly of Wortham, Texas.    Biff was born July 8, 1954, in Dallas, Texas to Billy Van Calame and Helen Greer Calame and passed away at his home in Jefferson on Sunday, JulyContinue Reading

Visitation for Jeffery Glan Benson, 68, of Jefferson, Texas will be held on Thursday, August 4, 2022, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Captain WM Perry Chapel of Haggard Funeral Home, 203 East Clarksville, Jefferson. Jeff was born July 29, 1954, in Marion County, Texas to James BensonContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

Staff Reports After some debate, and a rare tie vote, Judge Leward LaFleur cast the vote to approve the County paying their portion of the repair costs on the parking lot behind the courthouse. Earlier this year a sinkhole re-appeared in the parking lot costing the City $149,985 to repair.Continue Reading

Staff Reports Jefferson ISD has developed a Truancy Plan that will enforce truancy laws established by the Texas Education Code.  “Since the onset Covid-19, we have faced continual problems district-wide truancy issues,” JISD Police Chief Dale C. Sherrill, Jr. said in a press releases earlier this week. “Although public schoolsContinue Reading

Upcoming  Music 1852 on Austin  • July 30: Flashback (50s/60s) • August 6: Sultans  The Sultans tickets are at the door.  The others will be sold on EventBrite or at the bar. Auntie Skinner’s • July 30: Captain Joe: Beach Days Party & Backpack Drive School Supplies, Starts JISD isContinue Reading