From Lawanda Wright The Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church at 1600 Shady Grove Road, Jefferson, Texas, wishes to announce that they have recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of their new leader the right and Reverend M. Phinus Duffie.  Duffie a native Jeffersonian and life member of the church took onContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

Jennifer Perry Middleton/Jefferson Jimplecute The Jefferson City Council voted Tuesday to create a new position of an administrative assistant to City Secretary Melissa Boyd. The position, which will be posted immediately, will assist Boyd in all her duties, including those involving human resources.  “We have the need in the officeContinue Reading

Jennifer Perry Middleton/Jefferson Jimplecute  City Council voted to update their lease with the Marion County Chamber of Commerce during Tuesday’s regular meeting, agreeing to have the lease renew on the former Jefferson Police Department building on Austin Street in  a 2-year term with annual review and a 90-day opt-out clause. Continue Reading

Upcoming Music Auntie Skinner’s:  • June 25: Rewind Texas Tech Ribbon Cutting Texas Tech’s Professional Development & Academic Advising office in Jefferson will hold a Ribbon Cutting and Open House from 9-11:30 a.m. Saturday at the Jeffersonian Institute, 120 E. Austin Street. The primary focus of the site is toContinue Reading

Funeral Services for Mr. Jerry Davis Thomas, age 82, of Texarkana, Texas, will be held on Thursday, June 23, 2022, at 11:00 AM at the Cpt. Wm. Perry Chapel of Haggard Funeral Home with Pastor Todd Hervey officiating and under the direction of Haggard Funeral Home. A time of visitationContinue Reading

Marion County is now under a burn ban after an order was issued Wednesday morning by Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur. The Order Prohibiting Outdoor Burning will remain in effect until it is lifted by the Judge, the Commissioners Court, or the Texas Forest Service. The order does not prohibitContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute  After two years of deliberations, the Jefferson Economic Development Corporation (JEDCO) agreed Tuesday night to enter a Capstone Agreement with Texas A&M University for strategic planning.  Against the advice of their attorney, W.F. Palmer, the board agreed to expend up to $41,000 on the project.   PalmerContinue Reading

Jennifer Middleton Perry/Jefferson Jimplecute Jefferson parents now have a new option pre-kindergarten education. A tuition-based pre-k class will begin this fall at Jefferson Independent School District, and the class already has about eight students signed up.  JISD Superintendent Rob Barnwell said during the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday thatContinue Reading

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute  While the official holiday is Sunday, Jefferson will celebrate Juneteenth on Saturday afternoon. Activities will kick off at 11 a.m. with Miracle Creation Foundation’s 4th Annual Splash Day at the Jefferson Community Center on Haywood Street. Splash day offers a host of activities for children,Continue Reading

Upcoming Meetings • Jefferson City Council, 5:30 p.m. June 21. Upcoming Music Auntie Skinner’s:  • June 18: Landry & Co. • June 25: Rewind Heat Avisory The National Weather Service continues to advise area residents to be careful when outdoors as the high temperatures and little rain will continue intoContinue Reading

Sierra Wells/Contributing writer Within the past few years, several schools in the Texas A&M system have taken actions that adversely affected student journalists. Texas A&M University After printing for 129 years, the Battalion student newspaper at Texas A&M University has been fighting a battle to continue in print.  On Feb. 10,Continue Reading