From Marion County Sheriff David McKnight At approximately 1:45 this morning the Marion County Sheriff’s Office received a call about a shooting incident in the Holiday Harbor area of Lake of the Pines. Upon arrival officers found a 39 year old white Male deceased from multiple gunshot wounds. According toContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Voting just got a whole lot easier in Marion County. The Texas Secretary of State has approved Marion County’s application to participate in the countywide polling place program starting with the March 3, 2020, primary elections. “I’m extremely grateful for this opportunity for theContinue Reading

From TxDOT Weekly Roadwork Report – TxDOT Atlanta District For Dec. 22, 2019 – Jan. 4, 2020 Note: Due to the Christmas/New Year holidays, this week’s report is for two weeks. Lane closures and construction work will be kept to a minimum during holiday weeks to accommodate travelers. Be Safe.Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

From City Hall CITY OF JEFFERSON TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TEXAS CAPITAL FUND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The City will conduct a public hearing on December 23rd, 2019 at 5:05 p.m. at City Hall located at 102 N. Polk St, Jefferson, Texas 75657. The purpose of the public hearing will beContinue Reading

From Staff Reports “Operation Save Christmas” a Miss Marion County Fair project is in full swing at Taste of Caddo (corner of Austin and Vale streets, 201 W. Austin Street) today and tomorrow. The project give a child a set of gifts in the Read (a book), Need (essentials likeContinue Reading

Email from Rob Barnwell, JISD Superintendent As I’m sure you’ve all heard, L-K lost two students (sisters Adryanna and Shantey Hawkins) this past weekend in a vehicle accident. Their mom was driving them to school in order to catch a bus and go to the Harleton basketball tournament. A largeContinue Reading

From Edward Jones You’ve probably heard or read about inflection points. The term has a specific definition in mathematics, but it’s also used widely to describe historical or technological events, such as the Industrial Revolution or the creation of the internet – events that changed human existence in some importantContinue Reading

From Marion County Chamber of Commerce email newsletter Things the Marion County Chamber of Commerce members have going on the rest of December. December 17th Cumberland Presbyterian Church presents their Annual Christmas Concert with Jennifer Rich, Charles Gilbert, and the Jefferson High School Choir more information December 20th-21st Jefferson HistoricContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The Jefferson City Council will meet in special session at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, December 17, 2019, in City Hall. Their agenda includes: CONSENT AGENDA Consider and/or approve Council Meeting Minutes from November 19, 2019. Consider and/or approve Monthly Financial Report Consider and/or approve contract/agreement from Jefferson Carnegie Library ConsiderContinue Reading

From TxDOT Weekly Roadwork Report – TxDOT Atlanta District For Dec. 15-21, 2019 Bowie County Marion County US 59 – From FM 2208 to Harrison County Line, installing median barrier. Cass County SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges. SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges. Harrison CountyContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Without question Edmond Ray Schellinger was known as “Mr. Bulldog.” And Tuesday night’s JISD School Board meeting showed what Jefferson has lost with his passing, as the Board moved to name the High School baseball field “Schellinger Field.” Schellinger passed away on November 9,Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

PRESS RELEASE: December 10, 2019  On Sunday, December 8, 2019 at approximately 6:11 PM, the Jefferson Police Department was notified of a missing person. The person was described as an elderly male with health complications and possible onset of dementia.  Officers traveled to the man’s residence and met the wifeContinue Reading