East Texas Burn Run rides into town
The 10th Annual East Texas Burn Run is ready to ride next weekend, Oct. 13-15 in downtown Jefferson. Hosted by the Phoenix Organization of Jefferson and Brothers’ Keepers Motorcycle Club, both 501c3 organizations, the event promises to bring lots of fun to downtown. Come join the crowd for this wonderful cause.Continue Reading
School vouchers: not the best choice for all Texans Another special session for Texas lawmakers has been called. Why is our governor so determined to pass “school choice” vouchers? He’s appeasing donors whose agenda calls for dismantling public education. Vouchers will serve as a discount coupon for more affluent parentsContinue Reading
Hancock worked to preserve
Ken Bridges/Contributing Writer History knows well the story of John Hancock, the patriot from the American Revolution whose name is featured prominently on the Declaration of Independence. But there is another John Hancock who had his own adventures in war and politics. This John Hancock would travel to Texas, serve as a judgeContinue Reading
The dogs that bite
Tom Purcell/Contributing Writer President Biden is being dogged by a unique White House problem. About a week ago, Biden’s German Shepherd, Commander, bit a secret service officer — Commander’s 11th secret-service-officer biting since he moved to the White House. Commander must have been following the paw prints of Major, Biden’sContinue Reading
Fox Business lost in the 2nd debate
Michael Reagan/Contributing Writer From the first dumb question to the abrupt ending that caught everyone by surprise, the GOP presidential primary debate produced by the Fox Business channel was a total disaster. I know. I was there Wednesday night – in Row 5 of the Air Force One pavilion inContinue Reading
Food: Is that a cold snap?
Chef Hunter Lee Let’s get shakin!!! Well, here we are y’all, summers dying down and the shorter cooler days and crisp cool nights are on their way.. Here in the south, I’m seeing trucks headed to the woods, the last hay being brought in from the fields, fall decor goingContinue Reading
Controlling Goat Weed
David Wall NOTE: This article written for vegetable gardens, not pasture-land. Several years ago, a local land owned was showing his 200 acres of pasture land and mentioned he wanted to invest in a goat herd because of all the goat weed on the property. He wasn’t happy to learn that goatsContinue Reading
Bee Careful
Stanford Brantley, left, shows the “Queen Bee” to Brianna McAlister and Matty Duncan last week. A small swarm of honeybees had stopped over in front of Auntie Skinnners. Brantley moved the bees to a new hive and location. McAlister and Duncan both work for Auntie Skinners. Continue Reading
Eat, Drink, Gather: Area Dining and Entertainment
Local Music Corner Micah S. White Facebook.com/pyromade1 Hear’s some local music. If you go out please be kind, safe and please don’t drink and drive. Please note that events are subject to change for different reasons. Thursday: 10/5 Friday: 10/6 Saturday: 10/7 Sunday: 10/8 Dining SpecialsContinue Reading
Marion County Youth Football
Marion County Youth Football teams are continuing their winning traditions this year with decisive victories over Hallsville and Tatum. The 3rd/4th Grade team defeated Hallsville 2 27-21 on September 16, but lost to Tatum 13-12 on September 30. The 5th/6th Grade team crushed Hallsville 2 54-6 on September 16, andContinue Reading
Down at the Car Wash
Jefferson ISD HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) held a car wash last Saturday at McDonalds to raise funds for t-shirts and competition blazers.Continue Reading
CBAES Student of the Week
Julietta Laureano is the Cypress Bend Academy Student of the Week! She is one of those people that one can count on to be obedient, helpful, and kind always. She takes care of her younger sister, and is kind to others around her. She shows respect to the adults inContinue Reading
Cleaning Up Downtown
Tourism Board President Colleen Taylor and Sherry Mask worked last week to put out new trashcans around downtown earlier this week.Continue Reading
Rodeo filled with action, fun for all ages
Susan Anderson/Contributing Writer The fourth annual Becca Anderson Memorial Rodeo, held this past weekend, delivered on entertainment, kid participation and rodeo action. The pro rodeo, the major fundraiser for the Becca Anderson Memorial Scholarship Program, brought in contestants from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. Each year, the riderless horse tributeContinue Reading
FM2208 to Close Friday, Oct. 6
TxDOT will be closing FM2208 near US59 in Jefferson on Friday from 6a-6p as Union Pacific is making repairs to the railroad crossing. TxDOT encourages folks to plan ahead.Continue Reading
2024 Texas Fish Art Contest Now Accepting Entries
ATHENS – The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC) is excited to announce the 2024 Texas division of Wildlife Forever’s Fish Art Contest is open for submissions. The Fish Art Contest, which is accepting entries until Feb. 28, is part of an international conservation education program designed to foster youth interestContinue Reading
Miss Marion County
Courtesy Photo New Miss MARION County Krina Desai is crowned by 2022 Kylie Neuville. Continue Reading
County lifts 2 month burn ban
Staff Reports Mairon County residents had a lot to smile about this week as last weekends storms brought much needed rain, as well as an end to the County’s almost 2 month burn ban. Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur lifted the ban at 9a Monday, Sept. 25, but still askedContinue Reading
Our Town: September 29
Meetings School Dates Coat Drive The Jefferson Rotary Club will be holding a Coat Drive starting October 1. Last year the group provided 50 coats for kids in the area and they are hoping to double that number this year. The drive will run through December 1. National Night OutContinue Reading
Rodeo fun begins this weekend
Staff Reports The Becca Anderson Memorial Rodeo Committee are very excited and proud to announce Miss Maybreigh Lindley of Jefferson has been crowned their very first Jr. Princess. The six-year-old, daughter of Shelby and Morgan Lindley, will be present this weekend at the 4th annual memorial rodeo to assist withContinue Reading