Chef Hunter Lee Let’s get shakin’ and head to the woods!! My favorite time of year growing up, squirrel season! I got to spend quality time with my dad, he would even surprise me at school to check me out early for an afternoon hunt. As bad as I was,Continue Reading

The Marshall Symphony Orchestra will kick off its 2023-2024 Season with Voices 4.0 Reunion Concert Rewind that will take place on Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dewey Dossett Woodlawn Arena, in Marshall and three Jeffersonians are headlining.  Miriam Black, Tim Goff, and Wes Hamilton are all set to perform.Continue Reading

Gardening by David Wall

David Wall/Contributing Writer  Twelve or so years ago, a local rancher brought in a small twig and had a question. He couldn’t figure out how the twig, had a girdling circle cut nearly all the way through it. Further examination confirmed the perfect girdling circle.  Finally, someone with more experienceContinue Reading

Jimplecute photo by Laura Allen Jefferson Coach Jeff Welch sponsored “Meet me at the Pole” at the high school again this year. The regular event allows students to gather at the flag pole before school starts for a moment of prayer.Continue Reading

Jefferson’s Varsity Volleyball team (12-18) had split results this week as they faced off against West Rusk and Elysian Fields. The West Rusk Raiders lived up to their names last Friday defeating the Bulldogs 12-25, 21-25, and 14-25 in district play.  But the Lady Dawgs fought back hard against ElysianContinue Reading

Caddo Lake: The spinnerbait and chatterbait bite has really been doing well for us on our guide trips. Fishing in and around the edges of all the vegetation is the key for that bite. We have also been catching a lot of numbers of smaller bass in schooling areas aroundContinue Reading

Texas State Technical College recently welcomed 11 visiting seniors from Jefferson High School in Jefferson, Texas, to the Marshall campus. The students were divided into two groups and given an extensive tour of the campus and all of the programs it has to offer. Students from Jefferson High School haveContinue Reading

Cypress Bend Adventist Elementary School selects a Student of the Week throughout the school year.  In September, the school has named Elyse Keller as their first student of the week for September 8. She represented the best character, showing kindness, politeness, and compassion towards others. She showed that she trulyContinue Reading

Graveside Services for Mary “Patsy” Dreesen 73, of Jefferson, Texas will be held Friday, September 29 at 11am at Mt. Zion Cemetery in Cass County with Rev. Sue Sullivan officiating under the direction of Haggard Funeral Home. An interment to follow at Mt. Zion Cemetery. A time of visitation willContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur officially lifted the county-wide burn ban at 9a Monday, September 25. The rain received over the weekend provided enough relief to lift the ban, which has been in effect for over a month. LaFleur still urged individuals who are burning to provide extreme care andContinue Reading

Members of the JHS band, Colorguard, and Strutters went to North Western State University last weekend to participate in Youth Performers Day. They were able to perform with 50 students from other schools and the NWSU band during halftime.Continue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur and Americans for Prosperity Legislative Director Sam Sheets talked about the new $18 billion in property tax relief set to go into effect this  year during a Lunch & Learn on Wednesday at 182 on Austin sponsored by AFP.Continue Reading

The Jesse Allen Wise Garden Club has chosen the yard of Sharon and Mark Murray on Camp Street as the September Garden of the Month. The flower beds have a colorful display of flowers such as: periwinkles, cone flowers, Rudbeckia, and Abelia.  Also, trees such as Magnolia, Red Crepe Myrtle,Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Tuesday night’s City Council meeting was more discussion than actual action, but those discussions were rife with council members expressing their views. Ward 3 Alderman Robin Moore led off the evening by stating that she would be abstaining and “not voting on building permits untilContinue Reading

Staff Reports The Marion County Chamber of Commerce recently announced three new members to their Board of Directors. Board members are elected by the Chamber membership. Zack Baldwin joins the Board this month. According to his profile, Baldwin is a proud Eagle Scout, native of Jefferson, and graduate of JeffersonContinue Reading

Meetings School Dates PAACC Meets The Pyland African American Cemetery Charter (PAACC) will hold it’s Annual Board of Directors meeting Saturday, September 23, 2023, 11:00 a.m. at Pyland Cemetery. The Public is welcome. Contact us @ Poinsettias The Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club is pre-ordering Poinsettias for the Christmas Holidays. Plants are $18 each this yearContinue Reading