Marcia Thomas/Contributing Writer

“Urkkkk……eeekk………slam!” This is the opening audio to one of radio’s most favorite mystery series, “Inner Sanctum.”

Jefferson residents and visiting folks will once again be able to enjoy two of their most famous stories in the medium of live theater. The performances will take place at 7 pm October 27-28, at Enoch’s Wine and Coffee House.

The theatrical productions of the radio scripts will be presented by the Opera House Theatre Players; a group of talented actors who truly make you believe you are in a studio listening to a radio show. According to the actors, this is the third year in which they have chosen to keep producing the classic radio shows due to such popularity amongst audiences. Not to mention, they are fun to do and easy to set up.

Featured in the production entitled “Voice On A Wire” are Joe Wardlaw, Gary Eigenmann, Lisa Daye, Patrick Fortune, Nicole Blakely, and Jane Maddox.

In the playscript called “Make Ready My Grave” are Gary Eigenmann, Marcia Thomas, Jane Maddox, Patrick Fortune, and Joe Wardlaw.

The radio plays will begin at 7 pm each night. 

Tickets are on sale at Enoch’s, The Willow Tree, and online at

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