House Democrats’ tax plan would help renters Texas House Democrats unveiled a $20.9 billion plan for property tax relief that drops tax rates, increases the homestead exemption, gives annual rebates to renters, and includes pay raises for teachers, the Austin American-Statesman reported. The newest proposal comes as the Legislature continuesContinue Reading

Mark Allen/Contributor Caddo Lake: The schooling activity for Largemouth Bass has been picking up the last couple of weeks.  If you are fishing the Big Cypress Bayou you want to pay close attention to the intersections of the boat roads that are crossing or turning off of the bayou.  TheseContinue Reading

Substitute Training JISD will be holding Substitute Training for anyone wishing to be a substitute teacher during the 2023-24 school year. New JISD Substitute training will be from 9a-noon, July 25. Returning substitutes training will be 1-2p July 25. All training is at the JISD Administration Building, 1600 MLK Dr,Continue Reading

The Annual JISD Mini-Cheer Camp was held last week with Harper Henson, below middle, being named the 2023 Overall Top Cheerleader. The camp was a success. In each age group, the Top Cheerleaders were: Photos by Laura Allen & Carrie SchwartzContinue Reading

A number of businesses around town had yellow ribbons, at right, posted out in front in memory of Jasmine Griffin and Eddie Bell II this week. Jimplecute Photo by V. Hugh Lewis IIContinue Reading

November 14, 1997 ~ July 3, 202325 Years Old A Celebration of Life for Jasmine Nicole Griffin, 25, of Hughes Springs, Texas will be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 2pm at 1852 on Austin under the direction of Haggard Funeral Home. Jasmine was born on November 14, 1997,Continue Reading

The Krewe of Hebe hosted this year’s Jefferson Salutes America celebration. The annual event starts off at Otstott Park with a Children’s Parade, then is followed by a Pie & Cake Auction benefiting Youth Programs at the Jefferson Carnegie Library. A concert by the Shreveport Metropolitan Concert Band caps ofContinue Reading

Meetings Save the Date Heat Alert Texas Division of Emergency Management wants to remind everyone that summer heat is here and safety precautions should be observed. Remember: Heat-related deaths and illnesses are preventable; never leave people or pets in vehicles; and hydrate before going out into the heat. VFW MeetingContinue Reading

V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Marion County law enforcement had a busier than normal July 4 holiday weekend involving three high-speed car chases, a major accident, assisting an officer-involved shooting, and a burglary of a local business. Events started Sunday afternoon as MCSO and JPD officers responded to a requestContinue Reading

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute The City of Jefferson was found to have violated the Texas Open Meetings Act in connection with the dismissal of former Jefferson Police Chief Jason Carroll. Last week’s trial in Federal Court in Marshall saw a jury awarding Carroll $50,000 as a result of theContinue Reading

Jefferson Carnegie Library held its third Summer Program last week. The library wants to thank Phillis Eastham, for putting together such a fun, interactive program on frogs! Children of the community completed a creative activity making lily pads, were read a poem and story accompanied by guitar, and ate aContinue Reading

Michael Reagan/Contributing Writer Barack Obama told a good joke the other day. He said he thought that the level of disinformation and misinformation online has gotten so dangerously high in the U.S. that we need to develop “digital fingerprints” so ordinary citizens can tell what’s truly true and know who’sContinue Reading

Dick Polman/Contributing Writer I get why the Republicans are so obsessed with Hunter Biden. They don’t much of anything else. Inflation is down, job creation is up, the deficit is down, the Dow is up, Joe Biden’s achievements (especially on infrastructure) are kicking in, and the GOP has chained itselfContinue Reading