Chef Hunter Lee Let’s get shakin!!! That’s right s’mores in the summer, it’s a thing, or it could be. I’ve never been considered completely sane and with it 100° or hotter outside, I probably got ya attention. But seriously if you like them, you like them, if you have everContinue Reading

Gary Borders/Texas Press Association Senate passes tax bill as 2nd special session begins The Texas Senate on the first day of the Legislature’s second special session unanimously passed a tax bill last Wednesday that increases the homestead exemption and includes a pay hike for teachers, the Austin American-Statesman reported. TheContinue Reading

Jefferson Housing Authority is accepting applications for one through four bedroom apartments equipped with stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer hook-ups, and community laundry rooms for low-income family, elderly, disabled, and single persons.  Section 8 rental applications available for low-income family, elderly, disabled and single persons.  Applications are accepted 8:00 a.m. to 11:30Continue Reading

February 6, 1956 ~ July 4, 2023 (age 67) Funeral Services for Kathy Laster, 67, of Jefferson, Texas will be held on Saturday, July 8, 2023, at 2pm in The Faith Tabernacle Church in Jefferson, Texas with Pastor Kerry Green and Pastor David Story officiating and under the direction of Haggard Funeral Home.Continue Reading

A three vehicle traffic accident at the intersection of FM2208 and US59 claimed the lives of two people Monday morning. Jazmine Nicole Griffin and Eddie Bell II both succumbed to injuries sustained in the accident which left a log truck overturned and a wrecked asphalt hauler. A 5-year-old passenger inContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Last week’s power outage was the main topic of discussion for Commissioners during their regular meeting on Monday. “We’re waiting on the federal government to declare a national disaster area,” said Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur. “The minimum for that to happen is to haveContinue Reading

Meetings Save the Date Fireworks Don’t forget our furry friends next Tuesday as Jefferson Salutes America with the annual Fireworks Fantasmagoria show over the bayou. The show starts at 9:30p Tuesday. Make sure pets are secure so they don’t run away from the noise. Heat Alert Texas Division of EmergencyContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute This month’s regular City Council meeting became a special meeting due to last weeks’ power outage with Council meeting in the Courthouse Annext courtroom. Jefferson Mayor Rob Baker set the tone of the meeting by pointing out the addition of a statement to the PublicContinue Reading

The Jefferson VFW Post  burned Saturday morning June  17. The fire was due to the generator which was running to keep freezers cold. Extensive damage was done to the exterior, the stage area inside, as well as lots of smoke damage. The post is meeting at 6:30p July 10 atContinue Reading

Jo Zapata/Contributing Writer It was a dark and stormy night… Straight-line winds broke trees and power poles, plunging all of Jefferson, Marshall, and Vivian into total blackout.  Gone were streetlights, security lights, homelights.  No sounds of air conditioning, TVs, or music.  Fear rose as we found ourselves living in aContinue Reading

The hopes for new faces and new attitudes was quietly shown the door during Tuesday nights City Council meeting. While there is one new face on Council, and two returning ones, the names and faces on the various City Boards will stay the same – or go back to thoseContinue Reading

December 18, 1938-June 11, 2023 Virginia “Ginny” Beagle DeVault (84) of Jefferson, Texas passed on June 10, 2023 after a brief illness. Ginny is survived by her loving husband of 55 years Richard “Dick” DeVault, granddaughter Abby Bunch of Texarkana, three step children Nick DeVault of England, Danita DeVault andContinue Reading

Big Cypress Corvettes presented the Jefferson Volunteer Fire Department a check for $2000.00, a part of the  proceeds from the Big Cypress Corvette Weekend. Each year the proceeds from the show are donated to various local organizations. Courtesy PhotoContinue Reading

Chef Hunter Lee/Contributing Writer Let’s get shakin!!! Some will say gas is convenient, I would agree, but it can be about what you are cooking. I prefer to have both but now I have used a pellet grill but that will have to be a “Tips and Tales” of itsContinue Reading