Gardening by David Wall

By David Wall For so many of us, especially for diabetics, it’s important to check the sugar content in products. We normally think “no sugar,” “less sugar,” or “lite” must be better for us, and in most instances, such is smart thinking. Recently, however, an ingredient often found in regularContinue Reading

Meetings Save the Date JISD EOY Dates Voting Early voting continues Monday and Tuesday from 8a-5p at the Elections Building on N. Alley Street. The General Election is Saturday, May 6 from 7a-7p at county polling locations.  Memorial Day Jefferson’s VFW post is holding a Memorial Day Service planning meetingContinue Reading

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute May will be Mental Health Awareness Month, April was Child Abuse Awareness Month, and next week, April 30-May 7, will be Soil and Water Stewardship Week, following the approval of three proclamations by County Commissioners on Monday.  “Calling attention to the mental health needs, improvingContinue Reading

Members of The Phoenix Organization of Jefferson and Brother’s Keepers Motorcycle Club presented checks to Camp I’m Still Me in excess of $77,000 for their 2022-23 fundraising season. The groups sponsor the East Texas Burn Run in October and Outlaw Nationals in April.Continue Reading

Staff Report  Property tax appraisals hit mailboxes last week and folks have questions. Tax bills are going up again and, as such, Marion County Tax Assessor-Collector, Karen G. Jones, recently took time to discuss the nuisances of the property tax process.  According to Jones, the Texas Property Tax Code definesContinue Reading

Mission Marshall helps eliminate poverty in Marion County Blake Smith/Jefferson Jimplecute For Marion and Harrison county residents in need, Mission Marshall is the place to go. Located in Marshall, the pantry prides itself on the ability to make a change.  The pantry got its start in the late 1980’s asContinue Reading

Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute We just celebrated another Easter without her. Not having her for the holidays hearkens back to the words of an old Willie Nelson song:  “And I still can’t believe you’re gone. But you’re gone. And I’m alone. And I’m still livin’. I don’t like it. But I’llContinue Reading

Scott Stebbins/VSA The most important document a veteran should have is their DD214. Your military discharge papers are officially known as DD Form 214. All veterans receive this Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty once they are out of the military. The DD214 is proof of your militaryContinue Reading

Ken Bridges James Throckmorton was a pioneer, doctor, lawyer, congressman, and governor.  In spite of an impressive career, he often found himself caught between the great forces of history that were tearing the nation apart.  Throckmorton was born in 1825 in Sparta in central Tennessee. His father was a physician and moved often. Eventually, the Throckmortons made their wayContinue Reading

Let’s get shakin!! Grits are about as southern as it gets. Originating from native Indians and slowly making its way into the antebellum kitchens of the south.  Grits are made in many different fashions, some as unique as the people that make them and the cultures, they are made in.Continue Reading

Caddo Lake: It is time to move out to the grass and target post spawn bass over hydrilla and mixed grass. Try your chatterbaits and spinnerbaits while fishing these grassy areas. I also like using the 10 inch Kriet Tail Worm by Big Bite Baits for the big bass onContinue Reading

Jefferson Bulldogs turned up and showed their stuff at the 15/16 3A Area track meet at Roughneck Stadium in White Oak. Overall the Varsity Dawgs finished third with a score of 78 coming in behind White Oak at 79 and West Rusk with 118. Individually, the Dawgs showed well withContinue Reading

Toby Rhodes / Jeffeson Jimplecute  The Bulldog baseball team played their final home game of the season on Friday hosting Tatum. It was also senior night where all the senior Bulldogs were recognized. They then headed down to Troup on Tuesday to face the Tigers for the final games of theContinue Reading