Children’s programs set for spring, summer fun
Youth Services Coordinator Sandra Spencer schedules events and activities for children in our community. Any pre-school through third grade child is welcomed to attend a weekly story hour where stories are read and activities are planned related to the story or theme. Story hour is from 10:00-11:00am on Wednesdays. WeContinue Reading
Selma Moore
Hughes Springs – Services for Selma Moore, 101, of Oakland, California will be 11:00 a.m. Saturday, April 15, 2023 at New Diana High School Auditorium. Burial will be 4:30 p.m. Saturday at Woodlawn Memorial Park in Hughes Springs, under the direction of Reeder-Davis Funeral Home in Ore City. Ms. MooreContinue Reading
Plant Basil with tomatoes
David Wall/Contributing Writer Once you’ve picked out what tomatoes you want in your garden, you’re ready to begin concentrating on support actions such as fertilizers, weeds, etc. You might even be looking at some companion plants to help grow more, healthier, and better tasting tomatoes. Marigolds, for example, have aContinue Reading
No ‘bricks’ from these young players
Jefferson Youth Basketball teams and coaches were honored earlier last week by JISD. All the teams were announced and given a metal for playing this season. Jimplecute photo by Laura AllenContinue Reading
Top notch welders…
JHS Ag Welding students participated in TSTC’s 5th Annual Welding Competition March 30. Riley Rodriguez received second place Jr. Division out of 36 Jr division competitors. Competitors came from all school classifications.Continue Reading
Annual Flotilla slated for April 22
The Cypress Basin Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists will hold their 11th Annual Earth Day Paddling Flotilla on Caddo Lake, Saturday, April 22. Breakfast snacks and Smoothies will be provided. The event will include fishing education table, scavenger hunt, search for BigFoot, raffle and silent auction. Concession available forContinue Reading
Capital Highlights (4/14/23)
House OKs $302 billion budget The Texas House approved a $302 billion budget last week that included an amendment prohibiting the use of state money on private school tuition — a major setback to Gov. Greg Abbott’s plan to establish a school voucher system. The Austin American-Statesman reported that more than 20Continue Reading
Woman of the Year
Tammy Cornett (left) was recently named the Women of Jefferson (WOJO) Woman of the Year. Mary Spearmon presented the awardContinue Reading
Bryson Johnson named GAC Track Athlete of Week
theGAC MEN’S TRACK ATHLETE OF THE WEEK – Bryson Johnson, Jr., Southern Arkansas, Jefferson, Texas Johnson earned a provisional mark in the 200-meter dash after he clocked a time of 21.20 seconds at the Little Rock Invitational. He placed second in the event. Additionally, he ran the 100 in 10.83Continue Reading
MCSO rescues missing woman from submerged Jeep
On Friday morning 04/07/2023 the Marion County Sheriff’s Office dispatcher received a call from a fisherman. The fisherman stated he was on the south side of Lake o’ the Pines in south west Marion County, Texas. He reported observing a black jeep submerged about forty feet from the Woody’s CampContinue Reading
Don’t eat the fish
A link was sent to us this morning, provided below, on a State a health Services warning about not eating the fish in lakes around east texas. We’ll do more in next weeks paper Reading
MCDCSCO celebrates 20 years…
Marion County Diversified Civic and Social Concerns Organization celebrated their 20th Anniversary last weekend with a program honoring, and remembering, their founding members and their goals for the future. Founding members honored during the event included BJ Montgomery, Emma Smith and Arcolia (Jenkins) Waters. The founding members were each givenContinue Reading
Sidewalk grant moves to next phase
V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Using a sidewalk to get from the elementary school to the high school got one step closer this week as TxDOT approved moving the City’s two grant requests to stage 2. The designation change means the City needs to supply TxDOT with more specific engineeringContinue Reading
Outlaw Nationals returns for 23rd year
The 23rd Annual Outlaw Nationals Car Show will return to Jefferson April 14-15, 2023. “We want to thank the City of Jefferson, members of the council and all business owners for allowing us to put on this event another year,” event coordinator Michelle Fox-Davis said. “We also want to thankContinue Reading
Jefferson hosts spring installment of ‘History, Haunts and Legends’
Azure West Jefferson Jimplecute An estimated 125 paranormal enthusiasts joined the “History Haunts and Legends’’ (HHL) event this past weekend at the City’s Visitor’s Center. The bi-annual Spring and Fall conference has continued its ongoing attraction for the past 19 years. Founded by Jodi Breckenridge, who also conducts the HistoricContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Meetings • Good Friday: City, County Offices Closed, April 7 • Commissioners Court, 9 a.m. Monday • APL, 10a Monday, Corner of Henderson and Polk streets • Marion County Resources Coalition, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday at St. Paul UMC • Tourism Board, 5:30 p.m. Monday • JEDCO, 5:30 p.m. TuesdayContinue Reading
If you lay down with the dogs
Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute My grandmother became my trusted adviser long before we worked together at the hometown newspaper. As is the case with most extended, generational families, she blessed us with her wisdom from an early age. She was an intellectual and a literary critic, but that didn’t mean she couldn’tContinue Reading
Hug a gun, know it’s safe
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer On March 27, 2023, a shooter blasted their way into Covenant School in Nashville. In a matter of minutes the shooter killed three nine year old children and three adults. Armed with two military style assault rifles the shooter then took up a sniper position on theContinue Reading
Jay Gould put Texas on path to 20th Century
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer The late 1800s was the age of the railroad. Trains steamed across the hills, valleys, and plains of a growing United States, steadily bringing distant communities closer together. Thousands of miles of track were laid down by thousands of men to build a rail network that brought peopleContinue Reading