Michael Murphy Retired minister  The Bible provides guidance on how to treat foreigners or aliens, emphasizing the importance of kindness, hospitality, and justice.  Here are a few passages that address this topic:  1) Leviticus 19:34 (New International Version): “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. LoveContinue Reading

Devlyn Brooks/Contributing writer I think our efforts as faithful people would ring a whole lot more genuine with those who are skeptical of religion if we spent more time trying to “convert” ourselves versus others. Yes, our scriptures do preach to us that we are to bring the “good news” toContinue Reading

Dan Eakin/Contributing writer Many years ago, the late Dr. W.A. Criswell, longtime pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, preached a powerful message titled, “Loving the Unseen Christ.” His text was I Peter 1:8: “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing,Continue Reading

Rabbi Linda/Bethel Temple Fellowship Shalom friends! God, Creator of the universe, loved mankind so much He sent His only begotten Son, Yeshua to Earth to redeem man. This world-wide event changed humanity forever, giving man hope and life eternal. The next world-wide event to take place on earth is the Biblical Feast ofContinue Reading

Devlyn Brooks/Lutheran Minister Another church in my hometown has been preaching a sermon series called “Jesus took naps. Be like Jesus.” The pastors at the church aren’t just being coy; they’re actually driving home an important message to their parishioners: Even Jesus rested. In our supercharged, hyperconnected, overstimulated way ofContinue Reading

Rabbi Linda/Bethel Temple Fellowship Shalom  Chaverim, The Word of the Lord to the world is hope.  This includes hope and peace for Jefferson. The Word of the Lord teaches us how much He loves us.  God is our hope and shalom.  He answers the questions which we desperately search for.  GodContinue Reading

Leroy Richardson/Contributing writer A good battery on a car maintains its charge.  Why is that so when simultaneously operating the radio, headlights, air conditioner, dashboard lights, USB ports, and the electric windows and seats?  It’s the alternator.  Once started, the alternator generates power to run the accessories on the vehicle andContinue Reading

Leroy Richardson/Contributing writer A good battery on a car maintains its charge.  Why is that so when simultaneously operating the radio, headlights, air conditioner, dashboard lights, USB ports, and the electric windows and seats?  It’s the alternator.  Once started, the alternator generates power to run the accessories on the vehicleContinue Reading