Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute  Jock Lauterer, the director of the Carolina Community Media Project, defines a “community newspaper” as a newspaper that serves a specific location with a circulation of 50,000 or less. The Jefferson Jimplecute  proudly fits this criteria and serving our community is something we take very seriously.  Community newspapersContinue Reading

Once again, the desire to have a “Quiet Zone” established in town fell on deaf ears of the majority of City Council.  It’s been a frequent request of Bed and Breakfast owners, tourists, and those who live along the railroad tracks. But according to one council member those are justContinue Reading

Staff Report Jefferson Jimpleucte The turning of the clock and advancing of the New Year brings cause to celebrate for the Jefferson Jimplecute.  This issue marks the first of the 175th volume of the fourth oldest newspaper in Texas.  The Jimplecute has been the paper of record for Jefferson and Marion CountyContinue Reading

Austin  Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute Holiday cheer is in the air.  Local businesses are bustling in Jefferson and Christmastime is upon us.  Holiday events and traditions are rolling on.  Lions Club Park is aglow with Christmas trees.  The annual Christmas Parade returned to Polk and Austin Streets.  And the annual Candlelight TourContinue Reading

Ownership of the Jefferson Jimplecute shifted this week. In deal announced late Friday, V. Hugh Lewis, publisher of the online Marion County Herald, and Austin Lewter, a veteran community newspaper publisher acquired the Jefferson Jimplecute from Strube-Palmer Media, LLC. They will serve as co-publishers of the newly formed Marion CountyContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Marion County received notification of it’s first cases on Wednesday. One of the cases is already considered recovered with two still active. The delay was due, in part, to a reporting loophole between states. All three of the cases were tested in Louisiana, andContinue Reading