City of Jefferson

A marathon two hour Jefferson City Council meeting Tuesday night ultimately ended with three new stop signs going up, new election equipment being purchased and tabling of several items. New stop signs will be being installed at Dallas and Market, Henderson and Walnut and Walnut and Orleans streets, to helpContinue Reading

Despite a series of rumors circulating on FaceBook and in messages, there has not been an accident involving a train nor has a body been dumped inside the Jefferson city limits. According to Jefferson Police Chief Florentino Perez, “there have been no fatality accidents involving trains, and no body wasContinue Reading

Florentino “Tino” Perez was hired during Tuesday night’s Special City Council Meeting as the next Jefferson Chief of Police. “I am truly honored to be taking on my new role as the head of the administration,” Perez said in a Press Release. “I believe that the current concept of policingContinue Reading

Jefferson Police Department Logo

Press Release From Jefferson Police Department Despite the pandemic, Jefferson Police Departments has installed a prescription drug disposal box where residents can dispose of their leftover medication, no questions asked. “Jefferson PD is excited to provide this option for our local citizens to dispose of prescription drugs,” said Jefferson PDContinue Reading