Press Release/Statement from JISD Superintendent Rob Barnwell:


Today, Governor Greg Abbott announced an order which closed all schools in the state for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Therefore, Jefferson ISD will NOT continue normal school operations for the rest of this school year. Governor Abbott also indicated that superintendents should expect additional information and guidance from Commissioner of Education Mike Morath next week regarding the state’s expectations and guidelines associated with gatherings such as graduations or other school events. Therefore, after we receive more specific guidance/direction related to that subject, I will provide a new press release at that point. We will also post this information on our school’s website and Facebook pages, along with providing you an “all-call” phone message. All student-related activities, including practices, games, and other events, have been postponed/cancelled during this time.

As you know, JISD began remote instruction a few weeks ago. We have also been providing food to all of our students through delivery and pickup stations. We all know this is a unique situation, but it seems those processes have been going very well. I want to take this opportunity to encourage all our students, parents, and staff to continue to be diligent regarding schoolwork. It is very important that students gain the essential knowledge and master the necessary concepts in order to be prepared for the challenges that come along with promotion to the next grade level.

Therefore, now is a critical time. Please do not slack off. Students, your promotion to the next grade level depends on the grades you accumulated through the 3rd nine weeks of school AND the work you do and the progress you make throughout the rest of this school year!! By now, you all should have had communication with your teachers, principals, or other administrators. Please do not hesitate to visit with those staff members should you have any questions or issues related to instruction, school work, food provision, or anything else.

Again, I want to share these common sense actions/procedures, which are recommended by health professionals, in an attempt to help us mitigate/avoid the spread of illnesses.

— Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based sanitizer, particularly after being in contact with surfaces that are generally used/touched by a high volume of people such as door handles, bathroom surfaces, gas pumps, computer keyboards, public transportation, and other similar environments.
— Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
— Stay home and seek medical attention when you are sick or have flu-like symptoms!
— Stay home if you have been in contact with anyone who is sick or is exhibiting symptoms!
— Avoid people who are sick or who exhibit symptoms of illness
— Cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow (or tissue, which should be thrown away immediately), when you sneeze or cough.
— Clean and disinfect all frequently-touched objects and surfaces often.
–Maintain social distancing and avoid congregating in large groups.

I want to thank all of you for your support of our district. Please feel free to contact my office should you have any questions or concerns. (903-665-2461)

Be Smart, Stay Healthy, and Go Dawgs!!

Rob Barnwell
JISD Superintendent

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