By Leroy Richardson

In Christianity, there are phrases often used related to the Holy Spirit of God.  Phrases like, “Come down Holy Spirit”, or “Holy Spirit, Come into the room” or “Holy Spirit, we invite you into this service”.  These phrases are a misnomer to correct biblical theology.  Father God sent the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit to the earth in Acts chapter two to Manifest in the lives of those who believe in Jesus Christ and obey Him.

The Holy Spirit lives in every believer in Jesus Christ.  Therefore, what we really should be saying is, “Holy Spirit, Manifest”.  Manifest means to appear, become visible or audible, or show up in the natural.  Manifestation happens automatically when consistent fellowship and obedience exist with the source.  

Prayer, praise, and obedience always maintain fellowship or constant communication with God.  For example, as a young engineer, most of my shining moments and successful decisions came out of fellowship with God; time spent with Him as I went about daily work.

Once, I recommended 20 oil wells to be drilled at near 1MM$ each after a conversation with God in my office.  God sent a drunk co-worker to my office with my answer.  19 out of the 20 oil wells were successful.  

What I didn’t mention is that others  worked on the project for 10 years and failed.  I acted on what God answered.  God manifested results because we had fellowship.  Constant and consistent fellowship maintains manifested “Presence” of the Holy Spirit.

Repentance keeps us clean and in consistent fellowship with God.  God doesn’t have consistent fellowship with dirty people.  

Consistent fellowship allows automatic manifestation of the Holy Spirit of God.  The Holy Spirit performs God’s promised words in the lives of obedient Christians.

If you live in this world, you are going to get dirty.  

Repentance is the spiritual detergent for your life.  Look at I John 1:9, it gives you God’s word on getting clean and staying clean.  Resolution of health issues, relationships, job problems and much more manifest when repentance is practiced daily. 

Listen, “If you confess your sin(dirt), God is faithful and just to forgive your sin(dirt) and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.”(I John 1:9)  Unrighteousness toxify the mind and body.  But righteousness allows the blessings of God to flow like a river in your life.

Practice staying clean and watch for manifestation of what you need.

Leroy Richardson pastored the New Zion Baptist Church for eight years. He has written devotionals for the Jimplecute since 2015 and operates KJTX 104.5 FM.

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