Hunter Bonner/Contributing writer

“This election is the most important one of our lives.”  “You can’t stay at home this time.  You have to get out and vote.”  While these may seem old and repetitive, they are nonetheless very true.  The race for Governor of Texas is very important for all 254 counties in Texas, and yes, it does affect even our small county here in Marion.  Marion County needs to turn out in record numbers to vote for Gregg Abbott for Governor.  The reasons are listed below.

Robert Francis O’Rourke is a flip-flopping liberal, who is a sellout to Beltway Democrats who believe government, not you, can better run your life.  First he said, “hell yes we are going to take your AR-15s!”, as a candidate for President.  In Feb 2022 he said, “I am not interested in taking (assault weapons) from gun owners.”  

Then when Uvalde happened, he pulled a play right out of Rahm Emmanuel’s playbook by, “never letting a crisis go to waste”, and grandstanded in front of the press mere hours after that event.  In fact since then, Robert Francis O’Rourke has shamelessly used Uvalde to grift for votes off the dead bodies of that tragedy with not a mention about the constitutional ramifications of going down such a path.

Perhaps Beto should go into the restaurant business since he is very good at waffle making? 

On the economy, O’Rourke stands on a platform in the center of a room in city after city and never addresses inflation.  In fact on his website, there is no mention of it, so Beto has no plan when it comes to the economy.  Remember this as your wages pay for higher food and gas prices.  

He states that he is for the environment and like his liberal DC friends, wants to move quickly to green energy.  He states all of this, while we see Democrat run states like California telling people not to charge their electric vehicles and the threat of rolling blackouts.  He does all of this while driving a gas guzzling pickup truck.  One thing we can say for certain, his hypocrisy matches those in DC and Hollywood who are bankrolling his campaign.  

If Francis were allowed into the Governor’s seat, there would be no firewall between failed DC Democrat policies that are killing this nation’s economy, and causing an overrun southern border.  Also, because the majority of the Texas House and Senate are Republican, he would veto any GOP legislation.  That means nothing will get done.  On this you can be very certain, because when you take George Soros’ money, he wants a return on his investment.

Greg Abbott is the opposite of Beto O’Rourke.  Under his Republican leadership, if Texas were its own country, it would be the world’s 10th largest economy.  You do not get to that level with constant government interference, which is what Beto is all about.

This past legislative session saw the Heartbeat Law become a reality.  Now that abortion was properly returned as a states’ rights issue by the Supreme Court, this barbaric practice is outlawed in this state.

When it comes to illegal immigration, and the Federal Government’s refusal to enforce our nation’s borders, Greg Abbott used the resources of DPS and the Texas Guard to enforce our sovereign borders.  Recently, Governor Abbott took the initiative to send busloads of illegal immigrants (not seeking asylum) to sanctuary cities to our north,and specifically, the nation’s capitol.  He exposed leftist hypocrisy once a “border town” problem became their problem.

What about the 2nd Amendment?  Again, no apologies and no regrets there.  Texas is now a constitutional carry state, with Abbott signing that bill into law in 2021.  Abbott cares about the safety and the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens, and does not believe in punishing those same people by taking away firearms like Beto O’Rourke does.

The choice on November 8 is very clear.  Vote for Governor Abbott so that Texas can continue to enjoy the financial, constitutional, and moral freedoms we have in our great state.

Hunter Bonner is the President of the Marion County Republican Assembly, and a lifelong political activist. He can be reached at His views are his own.

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