To the editor, 

Learning lessons from history has been an endless source of moral beliefs and free advice.  We learn from wars, epidemics, and plagues of the past, and economic failures and successes.  History teaches us another valuable lesson which is playing out in America today. When false Gods come home to rule a nation, they always demand obedience and a sacrifice. 

This New America Religion is rooted in the worship of self.  We do what is comfortable.  The Religion of Self is a belief system that says the purpose of life is to be personally healthy and happy, and that “spirituality” is fine as long as it does not make things too uncomfortable or inconvenient. It says that our lives are measured by our stuff and success.

We see this ideology creeping into churches today which has been responsible for tearing down churches, pastors, and Christian ministries as well as breaking up many marriages, friendships, searing our conscience to where all forms of evil must be accepted.

Numerous churches are surrendering to the concept that people should not criticize someone else’s lifestyle.  People should be free to pursue the things they desire most with their goal is to enjoy it as much as possible. Any sexual expression between two consenting adults is acceptable.  Like Satan, this type of spirit that leads these thoughts is simply pure evil which is contrary to God’s word.

The price America is paying for rejection of God and surrendering to the worship of “Self” is leading to America’s destruction.  We are seeing rampant child sacrifices, human trafficking, child abuse, child pornography, child indoctrination in Drag Queen environment and sexualizing our children.  Homosexuality, drug and alcohol abuse, teen suicide, demise of the traditional family, mob violence. Pestilence, plague and disasters and a government that approves and encourages immorality and corruption.  Our government has surfaced as the enforcement arm in the war against our Christian values.

No other time in America’s history has God’s law been so rejected.  There is an overwhelming lack  respect for authority, law of the land, and God’s law. Fear comes from the lack of knowledge and understanding of God.  Unbelief overrides our thoughts and fear drives our emotions and actions.  Fear and faith cannot exist together. When we drive God out, we have no conformity to a standard of right, only conceding to the virtues of the flesh.

Paul provides us a brief overview of the horrific effects on a nation and its people that continually turns its back on God the creator in Romans 1:28-31.  When a nation fails to acknowledge and rejects God, he gives them up to a reprobate mind, which is a deprived way of thinking, and do those things that are not proper.   

America today is more at risk of God’s judgement because we have turned away from God and placed our faith in satanic evil influences. We are witnessing the demise of America where we have a failed government, a President that cannot lead our country, a military that is weak and cannot defend our country, a Treasury that cannot fund our country, and science that has failed our country. 

God will heal our land but it takes you and me to repent, and seek his forgiveness, putting him first in everything we do, and turn from our wicked ways. He will hear our prayers and forgive our sins and heal our land.

(2 Chronicles 7:14).

Jim Coonrod

Collinsville, Texas

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