Gardening by David Wall

David Wall

Yep, we’re well into the fall: a time when outdoor festivities get interrupted with multiple types of bees, wasps, and other assorted characters. As their food supply dwindles in late summer and early fall, they begin looking for alternative food sources. Additionally, it seems they are even more active than in the spring or early summer! Quick to recognize a good food source when they see it, your meals and beverages become prime targets! As such, the question of the day becomes one of how to keep
them away without endangering our own food with sprays and other chemicals.

Strangely enough, cucumber peels are a simple way to keep pests at bay. The acids found in cucumber peels are highly offensive to bees and wasps. So, while the peels repel unwanted visitors, the rest of the cucumber is left to be eaten and enjoyed! Just place peels around the exposed food as well as your plate! Put your drink on a small plate with a peel or two on it. With numerous friends present, a peel or two on the chair armrests will also work for the benefit of humans!

Again, it’s the acid that works. A peel without a bit of cucumber on it dries out pretty fast. Once peels dry out, they lose their effect. So, leave some flesh on the peel. ¾” peels work very well.. Cutting a slice, removing out the center leaving a ¾” peel and then quartering it is usually sufficient. Although we’ve been talking about how they ward away bees and wasps, cucumber slices are also useful for keeping away other flying insects.

For total protection, plug in an electric fan (ceiling, stand up, or portable hand-held). Flying insects weigh next to nothing, and a fan breeze upsets their navigation accuracy. This is why placing a few fans around your outdoor space will quickly clear the area.

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