City of Jefferson

Jefferson City Council will meet at 5:30 p.m. tonight (Tuesday) at the Jefferson Visitors Center. Topics on tonight’s meeting include an update from George Otstott on the Northeast Texas Municipal Water District, approval of various building permits and event applications, and the process Council wants to use to hire aContinue Reading

Work continued Tuesday morning on preparing the old Humble Oil Gas Station to be moved from the corner of Austin and Polk streets. Harold Nix owns the building and the property and is moving the building across the river to the corner of Polk Street/FM134 and Bayou Street. According toContinue Reading

In a letter, JISD Director of Curriculum & Instruction Lynn Phillips announced the opportunity to become a substitute teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. “The exciting start to another school year is under way, and I am so glad you are making the commitment to substitute teach in Jefferson,” PhillipsContinue Reading

Monday Update (1:44p): Palmer returned to Jefferson Monday morning, and per reports, is working on getting things back online. Friday night’s digital disappearance of the Jefferson Jimplecute from FaceBook and their website ( returning a “ doesn’t exist” message, has left Marion County residents with more questions than answers. NoContinue Reading

Wil Turlington Home Repair began work Saturday morning on the front of City Hall. According to Turlington, the City “has a little money to spend” so they are repairing the soffits and repainting the trim. “The roof (on the front awning) is in pretty good shape, so we’re going toContinue Reading

Following the notification by Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur Monday morning of an increase of 18 new active COVID-19 cases, the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) notified the county the Face Coverings Exemption was no longer in effect. TDEM notified LaFleurContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The Jefferson Convention and Visitors Bureau Board adopted their 2020-2021 Proposed Budget Monday night, while looking at ending the 2019-2020 fiscal year in the hole. This would be the second deficit in the City Tourism Budget in the last three fiscal years. Revenue for the current year, through June 30,Continue Reading