Rudy Montana was born in San Antonio, Texas to John Montana and Carlotta Vigel and passed away on July 20, 2022. Rudy is survived by his children: Denise Aloia and husband Paul, John Daniel Montana and wife Charlene, Teresa Jones, and Theron Ray Montana; and brother Rubin Montana and wifeContinue Reading

AUSTIN – TxDOT is seeking public input on the draft 2023 Unified Transportation Program (UTP), the state’s 10-year transportation plan. The UTP guides the development of projects around Texas to improve safety, address congestion and connectivity, and preserve roadways for Texas drivers. In addition to highway projects, the UTP addresses public transportation, maritime,Continue Reading

Since Jefferson played a key role in the Trans-Mississippi Department’s military/industrial complex, Jefferson is a natural location for hosting Civil War Symposiums that focus on the Trans-Mississippi Department. The symposium will feature four speakers who are noted authors, speakers, professors, and historians on various aspects of the Trans-Mississippi Civil WarContinue Reading

Memorial service for Ron “Smitty” Smitheart Sr., age 78 of Emory, TX will be held at a later date. Mr. Smitheart passed away on July 25, 2022 at Christus Mother Frances – Sulphur Springs. Ron was born on December 12, 1943 in Lufkin, TX to Ocie Lee and Bobbie JeanContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

Staff Reports Resident and tourist safety, but not comfort, took center stage during Tuesday nights City Council meeting. Aldermen approved reimbursing a tourist after a limb from a Bradford Pear tree on Market Street fell and damaged their car. Aldermen Richard Turner and Robin Moore were against the decision citingContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

Staff Reports Commissioners took a first stab at the County’s 2023 budget Monday morning, and some requests didn’t make the cut. While Commissioners didn’t approve or deny, officially, any requests as it was a workshop, their questions and responses indicated their desire to spend the bulk of their anticipated newContinue Reading

Upcoming Music 1852 on Austin  • July 23: John Clifton (blues) • July 30: Flashback (50s/60s) • August 6: Sultans  The Sultans will be tickets at the door.  The others will be sold on EventBrite or at the bar. Auntie Skinner’s • July 23: 8 Track School Supplies, Starts JISD isContinue Reading

Once again, the desire to have a “Quiet Zone” established in town fell on deaf ears of the majority of City Council.  It’s been a frequent request of Bed and Breakfast owners, tourists, and those who live along the railroad tracks. But according to one council member those are justContinue Reading

Brett Wesner/Contributing writer Google and Facebook have enormous economic and political power in society – especially over the news industry. Many ask if they have played a role in the misinformation that erodes our free press and plagues our democracy. Google and Facebook have a duopoly of the distribution ofContinue Reading

Red River County Democratic Party County Chair Hunter Evans submitted a resolution to the Texas Democratic Party against the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir earlier this year.  The following resolution passed during the Texas Democratic Party State Convention on Saturday, July 16, 2022.  “WHEREAS, The Texas Democratic Party states in itsContinue Reading

Rabbi Linda/Contributing writer Shalom  friends of Jefferson, Jefferson has a lot of profound history for America’s people and other nations.  America is known as a melting pot of people.  The “land of the free” gives hope to many people no matter what race they are or where they come from. Continue Reading