Members of the JHS band, Colorguard, and Strutters went to North Western State University last weekend to participate in Youth Performers Day. They were able to perform with 50 students from other schools and the NWSU band during halftime.Continue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur and Americans for Prosperity Legislative Director Sam Sheets talked about the new $18 billion in property tax relief set to go into effect this  year during a Lunch & Learn on Wednesday at 182 on Austin sponsored by AFP.Continue Reading

The Jesse Allen Wise Garden Club has chosen the yard of Sharon and Mark Murray on Camp Street as the September Garden of the Month. The flower beds have a colorful display of flowers such as: periwinkles, cone flowers, Rudbeckia, and Abelia.  Also, trees such as Magnolia, Red Crepe Myrtle,Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Tuesday night’s City Council meeting was more discussion than actual action, but those discussions were rife with council members expressing their views. Ward 3 Alderman Robin Moore led off the evening by stating that she would be abstaining and “not voting on building permits untilContinue Reading

Staff Reports The Marion County Chamber of Commerce recently announced three new members to their Board of Directors. Board members are elected by the Chamber membership. Zack Baldwin joins the Board this month. According to his profile, Baldwin is a proud Eagle Scout, native of Jefferson, and graduate of JeffersonContinue Reading

Meetings School Dates PAACC Meets The Pyland African American Cemetery Charter (PAACC) will hold it’s Annual Board of Directors meeting Saturday, September 23, 2023, 11:00 a.m. at Pyland Cemetery. The Public is welcome. Contact us @ Poinsettias The Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club is pre-ordering Poinsettias for the Christmas Holidays. Plants are $18 each this yearContinue Reading

Staff Reports Do you have stuff collecting dust in your attic, garage, spare bedroom, or shed? Well, next weekend you get your chance to de-clutter and, hopefully, move your extra stuff to someone else’s house as the fall Citywide Rummage Sale, sponsored by the Marion County Chamber of Commerce kicksContinue Reading

Ken Bridges/Contributing Writer  It is every parent’s worst nightmare.  And it is a tragedy that still haunts a small East Texas town.  On one terrible day in 1937, a school building in New London exploded, killing nearly 300 children. The oil industry had transformed Rusk County in a very short time since oil was first discovered in 1930.  Oil workersContinue Reading

Tom Purcell/Contributing Writer I suppose it was just a matter of time before casual dress hit the U.S. Senate. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has told the Senate’s sergeant-at-arms to no longer enforce the hallowed chamber’s informal dress code, which had required senators and their staffers to wear business attire.Continue Reading

Michael Reagan/Contributing Writer Thank God for Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana. I wish every major television and radio network in the country had covered what the smart and colorful Republican did in the Senate this week. As part of a hearing looking into the alleged threat to freedom posed byContinue Reading

Staff Reports The Marion County Resource Coalition is seeking volunteers to join their board of directors.  “We are excited to announce an opportunity for passionate individuals to join our esteemed organization’s Board of Directors. Serving on our board is a unique chance to make a significant impact on our missionContinue Reading

Chef Hunter Lee Let’s get shakin! The cast iron skillet is an essential tool in the southern kitchen! The problem is so many of y’all are killin the skillet before it’s in its prime! If you wanted to threaten a cajun-cook, just tell them you’ll put their cast iron inContinue Reading

Gardening by David Wall

David Wall There are all sorts of mulches available for your garden, but wood mulch is often called a gardener’s best friend.  The object is to cover the soil and protect the vegetable plants by keeping sunlight off the soil, thus lowering soil temperature, while helping to retain moisture, suppress weeds,Continue Reading

Jefferson Bullpups are racing to success as they recently attended The Junior Olympics in Iowa to compete in their 4x100m relay, pictured at right. The team placed 12th in the nation. Chandler Else, 7, a Jefferson Bullpup recently went to state and won First place in the 100m dash.  CorbynContinue Reading

Last Friday, the JHS Cross Country Team competed in the Mike Darby Pine Tree Invitational at Lear Park in Longview. The following had their best time of the year: Jenny Bautista, Xavier Biddle, Makenna Erler, Kinsley Powell, Toby Pulce, and Kayla Thomas. Others that improved their time from the previousContinue Reading

Staff Reports The Jefferson Bulldogs  routed the host Hughes Springs Mustangs, 64-0 in last Thursday’s non-league bout and KYKX Game of the Week. Kamran Williams (#5), Jeramaine Hopkins (#24), Alexzavieor Pryor (#53), and Christian McCoy (#12) were named Players of the Game. Judsen Carter was also awared the KYXK PlayerContinue Reading

There’s a new Ranger in Town. Ranger Lane is the new park interpreter at Caddo Lake State Park. Ranger Lane comes to Caddo from Ray Roberts Lake State Park Isle du Bois – Texas Parks and Wildlife. He enjoys hiking, birding, and getting people excited about nature. Make sure toContinue Reading

The Marion County Youth Football kicked off their season in White Oak on September 16 with decisive wins. The 3/4th grade team defeated White Oak 33-13; 5/6th grade trounced White Oak 56-6, and Flag was 32-7. 5/6th grader CoreyMo Hopkins (#24) had 6 touchdowns. Last weekend they played Hallsville withContinue Reading