Big Cypress Corvettes donated $500 of the proceeds from the Big Cypress Corvette Weekend to the Jefferson Masonic Lodge. The Masons are a huge asset to Jefferson and are  always happy to help people in any way they can.Continue Reading

Youth Lady Dawgs Volleyball team were tops in championship play this week. The team was wrapping up the summer play and are ready to spike the court next month as school resumes. At right is the Summer Youth group.Continue Reading

Longview, Texas (July 19, 2023) — The Texas Broadband Development Office (BDO) is asking the public to attend a meeting regarding internet accessibility, affordability, and usage. The BDO, administered by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, will accept feedback from this meeting to help develop the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan, which is requiredContinue Reading

Sundays afternoon storm left 56% of the county in the dark at 3p. SWEPCO and URECC both are aware of the outages and are assessing the situation. Outage maps and state charts indicate: Parts of downtown Jefferson was restored within an hour. By 4p the percentage without power had grownContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

V. Hugh Lewis/Jefferson Jimplecute JEDCO’s proposed 16.507 acre land purchase on the north side of town was again put on hold while the board investigates a possible Federal Wetlands designation that might restrict development of part of the property, and establishes a Public Hearing on the purchase of the land.Continue Reading

Meetings Save the Date Heat Alert Texas Division of Emergency Management wants to remind everyone that summer heat is here and safety precautions should be observed. Remember: Heat-related deaths and illnesses are preventable; never leave people or pets in vehicles; and hydrate before going out into the heat. Christmas in JulyContinue Reading

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute JISD School Board made a minor adjustment to the 2023-24 school year calendar to accommodate just released State EOC Testing dates during their regular meeting on Tuesday. Maintenance and custodial staff employees of the district will also get an adjusted work calendar following a changeContinue Reading

Dick Polman/Contributing Writer What a perfect holiday-week news story, the equivalent of a brainless summer movie. Some clown recently left a small baggie of cocaine in the White House visitors area, thus inspiring various clowns in the MAGA cult to froth at the mouth. Suddenly they’re all concerned about “security,”Continue Reading

Michael Reagan/Contributing Writer What a welcome home. A topless trans person proudly flashing a party on the White House lawn. A mysterious bag of cocaine turning up in the West Wing. A news report saying that Hunter Biden was being investigated by the Justice Department for violating the Mann ActContinue Reading

Ken Bridges/Contributing Writer  For years, he was considered to be the most trusted man in America.  Texan Walter Cronkite became the face of the news for millions of Americans as television news began to make its appearance and to make an impact on the nation’s consciousness.  As one of the most well-known journalists in theContinue Reading

Rev. Richard Skinner/Jefferson First Assembly of God Summertime often revolves around tasty food, especially summer fruits.  Everyone has their favorite.  I like peaches, blueberries, and watermelon.  Even as I write, I can savor the taste of homemade peach ice cream, blueberry pie and sweet watermelons.  We all know what theyContinue Reading