Our Town Jefferson
Meetings • Blessings of Grace Food Pantry, Dec. 17, 10a-Noon • City and County Offices will be CLOSED Dec 23-26 • Commissioners Court, Dec. 30, 9a • City Council, Jan 3, 5:30p Carnival The Excelsior House Hotel will be kicking off Carnival Season with a Chili Bowl and King’s CakeContinue Reading
Chief wants 10 new stop signs in Jefferson
V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Having to Stop at 10 new stop signs across the city is delayed as Major Rob Baker cancelled Tuesday night’s Council meeting. The new signs were set to be proposed by JPD Chief Tino Perez. The signs will be on the January agenda. “We’ve beenContinue Reading
“Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus”
Eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history’s most reprinted newspaper editorial, appearing in part or whole in dozens of languagesContinue Reading
‘Charlie Brown Christmas’ speaks to us all every year
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer Charles M. Schulz created a comic strip that captured the hearts of millions in the nearly 50 years that Peanuts ran in thousands of newspapers around the world. Schulz, an amiable and soft-spoken Minnesota native and World War II veteran, had been drawing the daily strip since 1950. Fifteen years later, heContinue Reading
Norma Jean Washington
Mrs. Norma Jean Washington passed away on December 19, 2022. She was born April 2, 1937, to Samuel and Maggie Fitzpatrick. Mrs. Washington was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Maurice Washington; her siblings, Alice Johnson, Sammie Davis, Justa Davis, Wilburn Fitzpatrick, Melvin Fitzpatrick, Clarence Fitzpatrick; and specialContinue Reading
Yeshua is the freedom in Hanukkah
Shalom friends, Joy to the world the Lord is come! The prophecy of old – “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah prophesied the Messiah would be born and thatContinue Reading
Jefferson Primary School Letters to Santa
Dear Santa, Bring some toys for the Christmas tree. Memphis Dear Santa, Bike, Game boy, Racing Cars, Books, Games, Lots of toys Christopher Dear Santa, Hello. I am 6 years 6 oldI have been nice this year. Please bring me some blocks. Conor Schoentral Dear Santa, I have been good!Continue Reading
Karnack ISD Letters to Santa
Dear Santa, I love you. I have been good at home and school. I am five years old. I want a four wheeler. Jamarion Dear Santa, I love you. I have been good at home and school. Can I come to your house? I want a barbie dreamhouse. IContinue Reading
Happy Retirement!
Marion County Clerk, Vickie Smith, was honored with a retirement reception on Friday afternoon thrown by her staff honoring her 23 years of service with Marion County. Her family, friends and co/workers helped her celebrate this occasion. Pictured are her staff: Ashley Sibert, Danielle Mauldin, Vickie Smith, County Clerk andContinue Reading
Today In Texas History: December 23
1927: “Santa Claus” robs bank but muffs getaway On this day in 1927, the Santa Claus Bank Robbery occurred in Cisco, Texas. At noon Marshall Ratliff, Henry Helms, Robert Hill, and Louis Davis entered the First National Bank of Cisco with guns drawn. Ratliff, dressed in a borrowed Santa ClausContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – December 25 – December 31, 2022
Bowie County Camp County Cass County Harrison County Morris County Panola County Titus County Upshur County Heather Deaton Public Information Officer – Atlanta District Office: (903) 799-1306 | Cell: (903) 279-4419 Texas Department of Transportation 701 E. Main St., Atlanta, TX. 75551Continue Reading
Today In Texas History: December 22
1943: Escaped POW William Dyess resumes flying and dies in plane crash On this day in 1943, war hero and escaped prisoner of war William Dyess resumed his flying career and was killed while attempting an emergency landing in Burbank, California. Dyess, born in Albany, Texas, in 1916, was sentContinue Reading
Keep Pets Warm Next Few Days
Best Friends Animal Society, a leading animal welfare organization working to end the killing of cats and dogs by 2025, offers the following tips to keep your pet as safe as possible: If you don’t have a pet and are considering opening your home to a new furry companion, nowContinue Reading
Do Garden Vegetable Seeds Expire?
By David Wall Seeds do expire (germination rate goes through the floor), but several factors influence “when,” and even then, that so-called expiration date is a guesstimate. Many people mistakenly think a date written on the seed packet backside and is an expiration date. Seeds are alive and able toContinue Reading
Today In Texas History: December 21
1847: Governor Wood takes office On this day in 1847, George Tyler Wood took office as the second governor of the state of Texas. The Georgia native had fought in the Creek Indian War at the battle of Horseshoe Bend, where he met Sam Houston and Edward Burleson. He movedContinue Reading
TxDOT Crews to Pretreat Bridges, Overpasses Wednesday
Motorists urged to be mindful of TxDOT crews working on the roads ATLANTA – Due to a chance of winter weather conditions on Thursday, TxDOT crews plan to begin pretreating all bridges and overpasses in the district with brine starting tomorrow/Wednesday. Crews will also pretreat Interstates 30 and 20, alongContinue Reading
Today In Texas History: December 20
Duval County Democratic leader shot, opening door for Parr dynasty On this day in 1907, Duval County tax assessor and Democratic leader John Cleary was killed by a shotgun blast while sitting in a San Diego restaurant. His assassin escaped as local lawmen were enjoying a fiesta, which they claimedContinue Reading
TxDOT Urges Texans to Find a Sober Ride This Holiday Season – 23% of Holiday Traffic Deaths Caused by Drunk Drivers
AUSTIN – Six years have passed since a drunk driver killed Azeza Salama’s fiancé and sent her and her two children to the hospital, but her memories of the crash remain as vivid as the day it happened. As people celebrate the holidays with friends and family, TxDOT wants stories such asContinue Reading
Today in Texas History: December 19
Rival Lubbock County towns consolidate On this day in 1890, the rival Lubbock County towns of Lubbock and Monterey agreed to consolidate. In July 1890, W. E. Rayner and several associates found a suitable site for a town on the north side of Yellow House Draw in Lubbock County. ButContinue Reading
Today In Texas History: December 18
Conjunto legend dies On this day in 1984, conjunto accordion legend Santiago Jimenez Sr. died in San Antonio. Jimenez was born in the Alamo City in 1913 and took up the accordion at age eight. His first record, “Dices Pescao”/”Dispensa el Arrempujon” (1936), was a success, and he became known for hisContinue Reading