In a press release issued Monday afternoon, Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur said his wife had tested positive for COVID-19, and he would be working from home for the next 10 days. “In anticipation of this, I fully prepared early on in the pandemic to work from home and willContinue Reading

Mobile COVID-19 testing is returning to Marion County on Friday, May 8, 2020, at the Kellyville Community Center, and today is the first day the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) is allowing individuals to call in to signup for appointments. A pre-screening is required before an appointment can beContinue Reading

The Marion County Herald will hold a live stream Question and Answer session at 3 p.m. on Thursday to discuss Texas Governor Gregg Abbott’s Open Texas plan for restarting the State’s economy. Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur and Jefferson Mayor Pro-Tem Victor Perot will be answering questions submitted in advanceContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur was notified late Tuesday afternoon by Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) of the county’s 10th COVID-19 case. The county has 9 active cases and 1 which is considered recovered. DSHS data shows Marion County received it’s first notification of COVID-19 case son AprilContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher County, City, and School officials met today to discuss the COVID-19 outbreak and encourage residents to not panic. “Marion County Government is operating as usual with few exceptions,” Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur said in a written statement. “If you are sick or haveContinue Reading