From Staff Reports The following is an update from the January 14, 2020, School Board meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Jason Bonner at 6:00 pm. Members present were Jason Bonner, Kevin Godfrey, Bobby Langbartels, Leah Cooper, Ned Fratangelo and Dr. Kent Thigpen. J.P. Abernathy was absent.Continue Reading

The Jefferson Independent School District Board of Trustees will have their regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at the Administration Building. Agenda items include: Consideration of Policy Amendments to EIC and FM (LOCAL) Policies FM is associated with student absences due to school-related activities. The oldContinue Reading

Email from Rob Barnwell, JISD Superintendent As I’m sure you’ve all heard, L-K lost two students (sisters Adryanna and Shantey Hawkins) this past weekend in a vehicle accident. Their mom was driving them to school in order to catch a bus and go to the Harleton basketball tournament. A largeContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Without question Edmond Ray Schellinger was known as “Mr. Bulldog.” And Tuesday night’s JISD School Board meeting showed what Jefferson has lost with his passing, as the Board moved to name the High School baseball field “Schellinger Field.” Schellinger passed away on November 9,Continue Reading

The Jefferson Independent School District Board will meet at 6pm Tuesday, December 11, 2019, at the Administration Building on MLK and Bulldog Drive. Their agenda includes: Approval of the 2018-2019 Audit Report A Public Hearing on the School First Rating Consideration of the Band Trip to Branson, MO Naming theContinue Reading