Email from Rob Barnwell, JISD Superintendent As I’m sure you’ve all heard, L-K lost two students (sisters Adryanna and Shantey Hawkins) this past weekend in a vehicle accident. Their mom was driving them to school in order to catch a bus and go to the Harleton basketball tournament. A largeContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The Jefferson City Council will meet in special session at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, December 17, 2019, in City Hall. Their agenda includes: CONSENT AGENDA Consider and/or approve Council Meeting Minutes from November 19, 2019. Consider and/or approve Monthly Financial Report Consider and/or approve contract/agreement from Jefferson Carnegie Library ConsiderContinue Reading

From TxDOT Weekly Roadwork Report – TxDOT Atlanta District For Dec. 15-21, 2019 Bowie County Marion County US 59 – From FM 2208 to Harrison County Line, installing median barrier. Cass County SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges. SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges. Harrison CountyContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Without question Edmond Ray Schellinger was known as “Mr. Bulldog.” And Tuesday night’s JISD School Board meeting showed what Jefferson has lost with his passing, as the Board moved to name the High School baseball field “Schellinger Field.” Schellinger passed away on November 9,Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

PRESS RELEASE: December 10, 2019  On Sunday, December 8, 2019 at approximately 6:11 PM, the Jefferson Police Department was notified of a missing person. The person was described as an elderly male with health complications and possible onset of dementia.  Officers traveled to the man’s residence and met the wifeContinue Reading

Below is a video also available on the Marion County Herald YouTube Channel from this mornings Marion County Commissioners Court meeting. The Commissioners approved everything on their agenda with the exception of hiring JP Abernathy as the court liaison as construction manager. That item raised a number of questions onContinue Reading

Social Worker Running to Improve Healthcare, Strengthen Public Schools, and fight for East Texans Election Press Release Publishers Note: The Herald does NOT endorse any candidate, at any political level. We will, however, be doing a special election section on the offices which directly affect Marion County. LONGVIEW, TEXAS —Continue Reading

The Jefferson Independent School District Board will meet at 6pm Tuesday, December 11, 2019, at the Administration Building on MLK and Bulldog Drive. Their agenda includes: Approval of the 2018-2019 Audit Report A Public Hearing on the School First Rating Consideration of the Band Trip to Branson, MO Naming theContinue Reading

From Marcus Sandifer, TxDOT Weekly Roadwork Report – TxDOT Atlanta District For Dec. 8-14, 2019 Marion County US 59 – From FM 2208 to Harrison County Line, installing median barrier. Cass County SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges. Harrison County I-20 – At Potters Creek, conducting preventative maintenanceContinue Reading

The Marion County Commissioners Court will meet at 9 a.m. Monday in the second floor Commissioners Courtroom, 114 W. Austin Street. Their agenda includes: Consider for approval the 2020 County Holidays. Consider for approval setting the date of the last Commissioners Court meeting in December 2019. Consider for approval hiringContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

Jefferson Economic Development Corporation (JEDCO) will hold their regular meeting at 5:30p.m. on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, in the City Council Chambers, 102 N. Polk Street. Their agenda includes: 6. DISCUSSION / CONSIDERATION / ACTION ITEMS Consideration/Action – Select bank for local deposits Consideration/Action – disposition of Jedco land onContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The Jefferson Tourism Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Jefferson Convention & Visitors Bureau at 305 E. Austin Street. Items on the agenda include: OLD BUSINESS Consider/Approve/Accept New contract revision for Jefferson TCVB building Robin Johnson Update on HOT tax from Avenu Colleen Taylor Update on CityContinue Reading