Seniors: This is Your Day
To the Seniors of 2022: Today is your day. There will be others in your future too, but today is the completion of that first milestone in a lifetime of achievements. It’s said “Some are called to greatness, and others have it thrust upon them,” but Everyone is “Called toContinue Reading
Letter to the editor…
Why? A year ago Gov. Abott said AR-15 style weapons should be owned by everyone who wants one. In his press conference today he applauded law enforcement and made no mention of his stance a year ago, yet called the shooting “incomprehensible.” Really? It was predictable that another shooting wouldContinue Reading
Letter to the editor…
Final Word One week ago, the Mayor and City Council decided to change/alter my world and my neighbors forever – Why? To allow my neighbor to build a huge (bigger than his house) metal storage unit for his boats, cars, trucks, etc. Private property is a privilage and responsibility. Sadly,Continue Reading
Cartoon of the Week
It will happen again
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer On April 19, 1995 Timothy McVeigh attacked the United States of America. He murdered 168 Americans. Ten children were among the dead. At the time of his arrest, McVeigh had excerpts from the Turner Diaries in his car. This 1978 novel by William Luther Pierce depicts aContinue Reading
Cartoon of the week
Local elections matter
Hunter Bonner/Contributing writer If the last two years showed us anything at all, it is the notion that “local elections don’t really matter” is 100% false. Of course, as a lifelong political activist, I know that local elections matter. However, it was not until the lockdowns by cityContinue Reading
The oil companies set the prices
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer One year and four months after Donald Trump took occupancy of the White House, gas price averages rose from $2.46 to $2.99 per gallon. Two years later, in May 2020, the average price per gallon had fallen to $1.96. What causes these wild swings? What had DonaldContinue Reading
Make your voice heard…
To the Editor, Jefferson please stand up! 305 S. Alley wants to build an industrial metal building with a covered parking lot and driveway to accommodate large trucks. This [is an] atrocity in the heart and soul of the historic district. Please, voice your opposition; come to the City CouncilContinue Reading
Food pantry services will not be interrupted…
Dear Editor, The members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul would like to clarify information regarding the future plans of Immaculate Conception Church. St. Vincent de Paul food pantry will relocate to the kitchen area of the current building upon completion of the new building. Clients should seeContinue Reading
The state of power
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer After the Second World War, the United States Supreme Court has been following a single star. Individual liberty is stronger than state power. Millions of Americans from all walks of life had risked their lives, and the nation honored their service with individual liberty. The new conservativeContinue Reading
Cartoon of the Week
Warehouse a bad idea
Warehouse a bad idea Letter to the Editor, Thanks to a concerned citizen and the Texas Freedom of Information Act, I have learned my neighbor at 305 S. Alley would like to build an industrial warehouse and a large covered parking lot suitable for large trucks. The historic district inContinue Reading
Addicts can’t give up power
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Addictive behavior can destroy the addict as well as those around them. Addicts find it harder and harder to distinguish reality from imagination. They tell themselves lies and demand others accept the lies as truth. Dealing with an addict can be very exhausting. Addicts respond to theContinue Reading
Cartoon of a Week
Success garnered by ‘just showing up’
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer I have often heard it said that most of success is showing up. Well, I have shown up to Southeastern for 27 years now and still have a few years left in me. The Faculty Senate recognized my career with a Life Time Achievement Award. My success,Continue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Shoutout Perhaps because the memory of the tornadoes of NW Marion County are still fresh on the minds, or what I would like to think more of, are Marion County folks, of all persuasions just being neighborly. It’s heartwarming to see everyone leveraging the power of technology, be it phone,Continue Reading
Melancon omits fact key in op-ed
Glenn Melancon’s recent op-ed entitled, “Conservatives seek to limit your personal liberties”, seeks to paint Republicans as trying to take away the personal liberties of Americans. Most notably, he takes the tired old path of trying to portray Republicans as racists. However, Melancon fails to even mention the overarching problemContinue Reading
Christian leadership
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Reading the Gospel of John on Easter provides a great insight into “Christian Leadership” and “Christian Citizenship.” John expresses in clear, unequivocal language the call to service and self-sacrifice. The mystery of Easter starts in John 13. Jesus is sitting down with his disciples for his “LastContinue Reading