Sierra Wells/Contributing writer Within the past few years, several schools in the Texas A&M system have taken actions that adversely affected student journalists. Texas A&M University After printing for 129 years, the Battalion student newspaper at Texas A&M University has been fighting a battle to continue in print.  On Feb. 10,Continue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer After the Second World War, the United States Supreme Court has been following a single star.  Individual liberty is stronger than state power.  Millions of Americans from all walks of life had risked their lives, and the nation honored their service with individual liberty. The new conservativeContinue Reading

Warehouse a bad idea Letter to the Editor, Thanks to a concerned citizen and the Texas Freedom of Information Act, I have learned my neighbor at 305 S. Alley would like to build an industrial warehouse and a large covered parking lot suitable for large trucks. The historic district inContinue Reading

Shoutout Perhaps because the memory of the tornadoes of NW Marion County are still fresh on the minds, or what I would like to think more of, are Marion County folks, of all persuasions just being neighborly. It’s heartwarming to see everyone leveraging the power of technology, be it phone,Continue Reading