MADD Encourages Parents to Talk to Their Kids About the Dangers of Alcohol and Other Drugs
TYLER – April 12, 2022 – Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) Texas will host a virtual parent series to help equip parents with the resources they need to talk with their teens about the risks of underage drinking and drug use. MADD East Texas’s Power of Parents® Virtual Series will be held beginning onContinue Reading
Capital Highlights
Traffic deaths spike in highway work zonesThe Texas Department of Transportation wants motorists to be aware of dangerous conditions in road construction zones after crashes in those zones killed 244 people last year.The death toll is an increase of 33% over 2020 and is the highest in 40 years. The majority of thoseContinue Reading
Fidelity Communications Charitable Giving Fund Applications Now Open
April 4, 2022 – Applications are now open for the Fidelity Communications Charitable Giving Fund, which annually awards more than $200,000 in grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations across the company’s footprint. Applications will close on April 30, 2022. Grants will be made available across communities served by Fidelity and the other Cable One family of brandsContinue Reading
Trustees applaud dual grads, discuss 4-day school week, get Stadium update
Jennifer Perry Middleton Jefferson Jimplecute Jefferson Independent School Board Trustees discussed switching to a four-day instruction week and unexpected parking lot repairs during their regular meeting Tuesday. Several area districts, including Athens, DeKalb, Paul Pewitt and New Boston ISDs have been researching the pros and cons of the switch, andContinue Reading
MCSO makes arrests
Over the weekend MCSO Deputies arrested two suspects identified as John W. Knox, III and Dever Joann Roman. Each were charged with two counts of Burglary of a Habitation, three counts of unlawful use of a criminal instrument, possession of a controlled substance, burglary of a vehicle and fraudulent useContinue Reading
Commissioners hear fleet proposal
Staff Report Drive on up. Commissioners heard a proposal from Enterprise Fleet Management’s Rami Saad at the start of Monday’s regular meeting. The proposal offered the county the opportunity to replace 20 vehicles, primarily with the Sheriff’s Office, with new ones, to the cost of $169,122 to the county theContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Shoutout Perhaps because the memory of the tornadoes of NW Marion County are still fresh on the minds, or what I would like to think more of, are Marion County folks, of all persuasions just being neighborly. It’s heartwarming to see everyone leveraging the power of technology, be it phone,Continue Reading
Melancon omits fact key in op-ed
Glenn Melancon’s recent op-ed entitled, “Conservatives seek to limit your personal liberties”, seeks to paint Republicans as trying to take away the personal liberties of Americans. Most notably, he takes the tired old path of trying to portray Republicans as racists. However, Melancon fails to even mention the overarching problemContinue Reading
Christian leadership
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Reading the Gospel of John on Easter provides a great insight into “Christian Leadership” and “Christian Citizenship.” John expresses in clear, unequivocal language the call to service and self-sacrifice. The mystery of Easter starts in John 13. Jesus is sitting down with his disciples for his “LastContinue Reading
Felicia Rena Melton
July 21, 1961-April 10, 2022 It is with great sadness, that the family announces the passing of Felecia Rena Melton (60) on Sunday April 10, 2022. Felecia is survived by her brother Kocadee Melton Jr., sister Cathy Shea Harrington (Ricky) and brother Christopher Melton (Tobi). She is preceeded in deathContinue Reading
If Christ be not risen
Dan Eakin/Contributing writer Hopefully, almost everyone who reads this newspaper believes that Christ literally, physically and bodily arose from the dead. There may be a few who do not. If you are among them, I am writing to you to ask you to consider why it is so important that youContinue Reading
Marion County bustling with Easter activities
Bethel Baptist hosts Easter Homecoming Bethel Baptist Church will have Homecoming Easter Sunday, April 17. Sunday School will be at 10 a.m. with a Worship Service 11 a.m. Following Worship Service, lunch will be provided in the Fellowship Hall followed by an Egg Hunt. The public is invited to comeContinue Reading
Chamber, MCDCSCO host forum
Marion County Chamber of Commerce and MCDCSCO sponsored a candidate forum for local elective offices, Tuesday, April 5 at the Community Center. MCDCSCO Interim President Mary Spearmon moderated. More than fifty potential voters attended. Concerns expressed included county roads and stray animals. Mayor Rob Baker and Judge Leward J.Continue Reading
Bunny visit…
Youngsters visited with the Easter Bunny at the Jefferson Carneige Library last week in advance of the upcoming holiday. Continue Reading
Jimplecute hosts final candidate forum Thursday
Staff Reports County residents will have one last chance to hear from City and JISD School Board candidates prior to the start of early voting. This coming Thursday at 6:30 p.m. the Jefferson Jimplecute is sponsoring a candidate forum at the Jefferson Transportation Center. All candidates for City Council, Mayor,Continue Reading
Aggies continue muster tradition
The Cypress Valley A&M Club of Cass and Marion County will hold the annual Aggie Muster ceremony at 6 p.m., Thursday, April 21, at The County Seat Country Cooking Café, located at 109 N. Main St. in Linden. The guest speaker will be The guest speaker will be Pat TomberlainContinue Reading
JPD apprehends Exxon, Napa burglar
In Jefferson, you can run, but you can’t run far. According to a press release from Jefferson Police Department Chief Florentino Perez, JPD arrested James Earl Warren JR, 33, late Wednesday evening following reports of burglary. Warren allegedly robbed the Exxon station at Walcott/59 and Broadway around 8:30 p.m. thenContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – April 10 – April 16, 2022
Bowie County I-30 – From FM 989 to AR State Line, reconstructing and widening highway, daytime work in median. Motorists should watch for trucks and equipment pulling onto the interstate I-30 – At Exit 207/Spur 594 westbound, ramp rehabilitation. Exit ramp closed. I-30 westbound lanes in this area restrictedContinue Reading
City KO’s administrator position, tables activity center for Immaculate Church
Jennifer Perry Middleton Jefferson Jimplecute It was a 1-2 punch at Tuesday night’s Jefferson City Council meeting as a construction permit for a new activity building at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church was knocked down with groups and residents asking Council to table the request. But Council members landed aContinue Reading
Throwing out the first pitch…
Jefferson Elementary School art teacher Ashley McLendon threw out the first pitch at Opening Day for the Jefferson Dixie Youth Baseball & Softball Association on Saturday. See more Opening Day photos in this week’s edition of the Jimplecute.Continue Reading