By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Deadline to file be on the Primary Ballot in March for a County Office is Monday, December 9, 2019. County Elected Positions on the ballot in March include: Sheriff (incumbent David McKnight) County Attorney (incumbent Angie Smoak) Tax Assessor/Collector (incumbent Karen Jones) Commissioner, Pct.Continue Reading

Jefferson ISD will hold a Special Services Parent Night at 6pm Wednesday, December 11, 2019, at the Jefferson Junior High Auditorium (411 E. Harrison St). Featured speakers include the Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services and All Things Possible. TWSVRS will discuss how they can help students with disabilities makeContinue Reading

From the USACE NOTICE OF AVAILABILITYDRAFT LAKE 0′ THE PINES SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PLAN, FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, MARION, HARRISON, UPSHUR, CAMP, TITUS, AND MORRIS COUNTIES, TEXAS The public is hereby notified of the availability of the Draft Lake 0′ the PinesShoreline Management Plan (Shoreline Management Plan),Continue Reading

I want to take a moment to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. The Herald is very Thankful for the support you, our readers and followers, have shown us over the last four years. We have big things planned for 2020 and appreciate all the love and support youContinue Reading

From The Marion County Chamber of Commerce We celebrate our Members’ Events in December (1st-15th) December 1stOpera House Theatre Players presents: “Having our Say – The First 100 Years of the Delaney Sisters” December 5th-7th 37th Annual Jefferson Candlelight Tour of Homes December 6th-7th Santa Visits The Front Porch HistoricContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisherWatch the video of the meeting here Jefferson City Council approved moving $18,000 from City reserves to the Building Updates line item of the Police budget to facilitate the departments relocation during Tuesday night’s Council meeting. The Police Department is set to move to theContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisherWatch the video of the meeting here The Jefferson City Council received an update during the regular City Council meeting Tuesday night on the water and sewer project currently underway. Project Manager Jeremy Buechter, with Schaumburg & Polk, told Council they were down to theContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis, II, publisher “Three times is the charm,” said Jefferson Police Chief Gary Amburn. “I have worked with Jefferson P.D. for a long time and my resignation/ retirement was approved tonight by the city council. I want to thank all the residents in Jefferson and the countyContinue Reading

The Jefferson City Council will meet in regular session at 5:30p.m. Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at City Hall. The Marion County Herald will be live streaming this meeting. The agenda includes: UPDATE – Water and Sewer Lines Project – Jermey Buechter/SPI Consent Agenda: Consider and/or approve minutes of October 22,Continue Reading

Editor’s note: This is a schedule of work being planned for the dates noted above. Weather conditions and unforeseen problems can cause delays or cancelation of work. For more information about construction projects, contact Marcus Sandifer, Public Information Officer, TxDOT Atlanta District, 903-799-1306, Marion County US 59 – FromContinue Reading

WHEN:            Friday, Nov. 22, 2019, 1 to 5 p.m. WHERE:         Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Parking Lot, 209 W. Lafayette St., Jefferson, Texas Atlanta – Parents and caregivers can have their child safety seats checked to make sure they meet current safety standards, they are installed correctly and find out what type ofContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis, publisherVideo is available here The Marion County Chamber of Commerce hosted the Jefferson Lions Club on Tuesday at their monthly Lunch N Learn at the Jeffersonian Institute. Lions Club President Wendy Looney presented the program focusing on the various activities the Lions Club does in andContinue Reading

The Marion County Historical Commission will present ‘Hooked on History’ at 2pm Thursday at the Excelsior House Hotel Ballroom. This year’s program includes: Vignettes of Marion county’s most interesting past citizens The mystery of Jefferson’s historic railroad trestle Beer Smith and the founding of Uncertain, Texas The public is invitedContinue Reading

The Jefferson Independent School District School Board will meet in regular session at 6p.m. Tuesday at the Administration building. Their agenda includes; Campus/Administrative Reports Technology Department Upgrades across the District Action: Approval of the Targeted Improvement Plan for the Elementary Campus Consent Agenda The Marion County Herald will be liveContinue Reading