Memorial Day weekend saw increased traffic in Jefferson – and one train not going anywhere. KCS freight train jumped the tracks near the Clarksville street crossing mid-Saturday afternoon. Part of the train came off the tracks after crossing the bridge and shredded cross ties until the cars flipped. No injuriesContinue Reading

Seniors Were Recognized At The Annual Awards Ceremony Last Week.  Seniors Awards And Scholarships Presented Were:  American Legion Boys State Recognition , (Attended In 2021): Trevor Runnels, Caden Whatley. American Legion Girls State Recognition, Cadee Humphrey, Iyanna Barnett-Morris, Karen Hannah Wales. H.O.B.Y. (Hugh O’brian Youth Leadership), Avery Keller. Academic MeritContinue Reading

Upcoming Meetings • Commissioners Court, 9 a.m. May 31 • City Council, 6:30 p.m., May 7 Upcoming Music 1852 on Austin:  • May 28: Swearingen and Kelli Auntie Skinner’s:  • May 28: Queen of Blues Kim Donnette Loud Noise Notice Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this weekend the Historic JeffersonContinue Reading

An obstacle can be an opportunity for an enterprising spirit.  This was the case for Texas inventor Bette Nesmith Graham.  What had been an annoyance for typists led to the struggling single mother creating a new tool for offices and a multi-million dollar business.  A single inspiration led Graham to invent the typing correctionContinue Reading

NOICE OF CANVAS The Marion County Democratic Party will canvas the recent 24 May 2022 Election results on 3 June 2022 @ 1600 CST at 604 MLK Drive, Jefferson Texas 75657. All interested parties are welcome to attend For more information contact Jerry Smith, Chairman, Marion County Democratic Party NOICEContinue Reading

V. Hugh Lewis Jefferson Jimplecute New buildings will be going up in downtown and the historic district after the Jefferson City Council approved permits for two controversial structures. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church sought approval to construct a 16,000 square foot activity center on the lots adjacent to the church. NumerousContinue Reading

Jennifer Perry Middleton Jefferson Jimplecute The Jefferson Independent School District’s Board of trustees swore in new members and considered the creation of a paid pre-K program during their regular meeting Wednesday. Kirstin Johnson, Joey Romano and Jason Bonner were sworn into their respective seats by Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur.Continue Reading

Upcoming Meeting • Tourism Board will meet on Monday at 5:30pin a Special Meeting. Upcoming Music 1852 on Austin:  • May 21: Chris Cain • May 28: Swearingen and Kelli Auntie Skinner’s:  • May 21: Shelton Band • May 28: Queen of Blues Kim Donnette Order Yearbooks Shirley Phillips, JHSContinue Reading