Jefferson Railway Mother’s Day Special
Treat your Mom for a ride on an antique narrow-gauge gas-powered train that takes you along the Big Cypress Bayou in Jefferson, Texas and celebrate Mother’s Day. Trains will run on Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 12:30 and 2:30. Mothers receive a 10% discount when accompanied by their children. Diamond Don RVContinue Reading
Beat Root Revival Plays The Bowery Stage
Beat Root Revival performs at Winnsboro Center for the Arts (WCA) at 200 Market Street Winnsboro, Texas at 7:30 pm May 14. Beat Root Revival is a multi-instrumentalist roots duo made up of powerhouse harmonic vocalists Andrea Magee and Ben Jones who combine elements of folk, blues, country, and rock to create aContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – May 1 – May 7, 2022
Bowie County I-30 – From FM 989 to AR State Line, reconstructing and widening highway, daytime work in median. Motorists should watch for trucks and equipment pulling onto the interstate I-30 – Westbound at Exit 207/Spur 594, ramp rehabilitation. Exit ramp closed. I-30 westbound lanes in this area restrictedContinue Reading
Candidates meet the public in forum
By V. Hugh Lewis II Jefferson Jimplecute Candidates for Jefferson City Council and JISD School Board were in good spirits and appeared unified on a number of issues affecting the City in a structured forum held last Thursday. Candidates were asked a variety of questions generic in nature, but answersContinue Reading
Local Lions win awards…
The Jefferson Lions Club took home several prestigious honors during the recent Lions District 2-x2 Convention in Mt. Pleasant. Lion Mary Spearmon (middle) was presented the Texas Lions Foundation award for distinguished service in working with the new Avinger Club. PDG Paul Moore (right) eceived the Governor’s Recognition Award, presentedContinue Reading
OHTP plans May production
By Marcia Thomas Contributing Writer Jefferson’s Opera House Theatre Players announces the cast for “Laundry and Bourbon”, the one-act play that will be performed on May 20-21. The play is the second production of the Players 33rd season which will conclude in July with a musical. Cast as Elizabeth, aContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Upcoming Meetings • City Council, 6:30 p.m. May 3 • Election Day, May 7 Upcoming Music Events 1852 on Austin: • May 21: Chris Cain Auntie Skinner’s: • April 30: Pepper Holt & the Gunslingers APL Animal Protection League will be in Jefferson twice in April and is offering FREEContinue Reading
Sheriff’s office to trade guns for ammo
Staff Reports The Marion County Sheriff’s Office will be trading confiscated firearms for ammunition, but only through an FFL dealer, after Commissioners approve the proposal during Monday’s regular meeting. Sheriff David Capps said he’d gotten bids from three different FFL dealers after allowing them to review the guns. All theContinue Reading
Cartoon of the Week
Warehouse a bad idea
Warehouse a bad idea Letter to the Editor, Thanks to a concerned citizen and the Texas Freedom of Information Act, I have learned my neighbor at 305 S. Alley would like to build an industrial warehouse and a large covered parking lot suitable for large trucks. The historic district inContinue Reading
Addicts can’t give up power
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Addictive behavior can destroy the addict as well as those around them. Addicts find it harder and harder to distinguish reality from imagination. They tell themselves lies and demand others accept the lies as truth. Dealing with an addict can be very exhausting. Addicts respond to theContinue Reading
East Texan defined ‘hero’
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer It has been said that heroism is defined as holding on for one moment longer. A moment can save a life or change the destiny of a nation. Travis Watkins, a native Texas resident, was one such hero who took charge and held on against overwhelming odds, savingContinue Reading
Thank you for 40 years…
Mrs. Louise Grubbs was honored on her retirement from the F.A. Schluter Foundation with a delicious dinner at the Stillwater Inn. Mrs. Grubbs served more than 40 years on the board as secretary treasurer. Mrs. Pam McGregor replaces her. Other board members attending were Dave Little, Pam Watts, and pastContinue Reading
Golden Trowel Award…
As one of the highest honors any Texas freemason can receive, the Golden Trowel Award was established by the Grand Lodge of Texas for the purpose of recognizing any mason who has consistently demonstrated outstanding and exemplary service to in the community. Terry Lemmon received this award last Saturday. From left toContinue Reading
Candidates’ closing statements
The following are the closing statements offered by each Jefferson City Council candidate at last week’s public candidate forum: April Taylor-Johnson candidate Ward 3 “I am April Tyler Johnson. And I want to thank everybody for coming out tonight to listen to us speak. When elected I plan to keepContinue Reading
SWEPCO to implement to ‘smart’ meters
SWEPCO is installing advanced digital meters for its Texas retail customers. The Advanced Metering System (AMS) uses advanced metering and secure wireless technology to provide timely and accurate meter reading data. Customers can use this data to better understand and manage their electricity usage. Instead of monthly data, customers willContinue Reading
Magnolia Place brings the County Fair to residents for Nursing Home Week
Residents were thrilled at the sights, sounds and smells that permeated Magnolia Place Wellness and Rehabilitation last week. Their theme for this year’s National Nursing Home week was “We’re Going to the County Fair.” Magnolia Place scheduled daily activities and events for the residents to participate in including worm races,Continue Reading
Celebrate Jefferson Historical Pilgrimage aboard an Antique Train
Come celebrate this year’s Jefferson Historical Pilgrimage “75th Diamond Jubilee” and bring the family out for a ride on an antique narrow-gauge train along the Big Cypress Bayou in Jefferson, Texas. The train will depart on Saturday April 30, 2022 at 12:30 and 2:30, from the Historic Jefferson Railway’s Depot atContinue Reading
Dixie Youth 8U takes Tourney…
8U Jefferson Shockwave took the Championship in Jefferson Dixie Youth’s home tournament over the weekend.Continue Reading
Pilgrimage celebrated this weekend
The Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club takes great pride in presenting Historic Jefferson Pilgrimage 75th Diamond Jubilee April 28, 29, 30 and May 1, 2022. Home and Garden Tours. Four beautiful historic homes, The Beard House, The Homestead House, The House of the Seasons and Singleton’s Virginia Cross Home,Continue Reading