Our Town Jefferson
Meetings • Blessings of Grace, Produce Feb 21, 23, 28 at 9a • Blessings of Grace Food Pantry, Feb. 18, 10-Noon • Dream Center Food Pantry, Feb. 18, 10-Noon • City Council, Feb. 21, 5:30p • St Vincent de Paul, Feb. 23, 10-11a • Commissioners Court, Feb. 27, 9a ElectionsContinue Reading
First ‘Windows into History’ installed
The first two “Windows into History” have been installed along the riverfront park in downtown. Bob Thomas, Howard Blalock, Gary Endsley, Raymond Sanders, Justin Woods and Curtis Webb helped with the install. The project, partially funded by JEDCO and by private donations, has drawings or photographs of historic locations inContinue Reading
Marion County Commissioners recognize Black History Month
V. Hugh Lewis II Jefferson Jimplecute Commissioners formally declared February Black History Month during Monday’s regular meeting. “In recognition and commendation of the enormous contribution of Black Americans to every basic element of our daily lives, including Science, Education, Politics, Journalism, Entertainment, Law and Technology and the effort put forthContinue Reading
Visions of visualization
Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute Robert Collier was an American author who lived from 1885-1950. He wrote self-help and New Thought metaphysical books. He was a pioneer in the genre. His book “The Secret of the Ages” has become one of the standards in the self-help world. Collier wrote about the practicalContinue Reading
Ken Paxton abuses taxpayer dollars
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer What could you do with $3.3 million? In Texas the median house selling price is $350,000. The state funding for each student in public schools is $5,100. I think $3.3 million is a lot of money. Ken Paxton apparently doesn’t since it isn’t his money – it’sContinue Reading
Robert Lee Thorton left his mark on the City of Dallas
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer Sometimes the men dismissed for their failures early in life can become the greatest successes. The story of R. L. Thornton is the story of a man raised in poverty and with barely an eighth grade education became synonymous with the success of Dallas in the 1950s. Robert Lee Thornton was born in 1880 in Hamilton County,Continue Reading
City elections get crowded
Filing for a place on the ballot in the May elections ended today at 5 pm with a full set of candidates. Ward 1 options this year include, incumbent Jim Finstrom, Bubba Haggard, and BW Brooks. The lone Ward 2 candidate is new Jeffersonian Ray Hengst. Ward 3 candidates includeContinue Reading
How to be a good soldier for the Lord
Dan Eakin/Contributing writer Veterans Day is always a time to pause and thank our military men and women for the sacrifices they have made to keep our country free. At Collinsville Bible Baptist Church, we are observing Veterans Day a day late, at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, to recognize militaryContinue Reading
Thomas Lummus Jr.
Memorial Services for Thomas “Tommy” Lummus, Jr., 55, of Longview, Texas will be held on Friday, February 17, 2023, at 11am in the Cpt. Wm. Perry Chapel of Haggard Funeral. Tommy was born on August 17, 1967, in Marshall, Texas to Thomas Lummus, Sr. and Rebecca Carlisle Lummus and passedContinue Reading
DAR names essay contest winners
Staff Reports Jefferson area students recently participated in the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution essay contest. Essays were submitted and judged by members of the Martha McGraw Chapter in Jefferson. The Grade 5 winner, Lily Buckner is a Home Schooled student. The other winners are JISD students. NotContinue Reading
Today in Texas History: February 17
1929: LULAC founded On this day in 1929, the League of United Latin American Citizens, originally called the United Latin American Citizens, was founded at Salón Obreros y Obreras in Corpus Christi, Texas. LULAC is the oldest and largest continually active Latino political association in the United States and wasContinue Reading
Jazzing up Mardi Gras
Let’s get shakin’! Next to Mardi Gras one of the biggest festivals in the Big Easy is of course Jazz Fest. Personally, I’m not a fan of New Orleans Mardi Gras, it’s just too many people. Don’t get me wrong I love New Orleans! I even once owned and livedContinue Reading
Community coalition seeks to grow health resources
V. Hugh Lewis Jefferson Jimplecute The Marion County Resource Coalition held their first meeting Monday at St. Paul UMC, to start the process of gathering and identifying health related resources for Marion County. Initiated by a grant to Texas DSHS and covering several counties, the multi-year grant is designed toContinue Reading
New deputy
At right, Marion County Deputy Chris Maxwell graduated from the Kilgore Police Academy on Feb. 2, 2023. Previously, Maxwell worked as a jailer for Marion County Sheriff’s Office. Upon graduation from the academy, Maxwell was sworn in as a full-time deputy.Continue Reading
WOJO hosts breakfast
Women of Jefferson held their Annual Valentine’s Day Breakfast on Tuesday at Taste of Caddo. The annual event is a fundraiser for their scholarship fund. The basket winner Wes Miller and their best apron winner Amanda Oney.Continue Reading
Locals earn SFA honors
Stephen F. Austin State University recognized the outstanding academic achievements of a select number of students by naming 923 to the President’s Honor Roll for fall 2022. To qualify for the President’s Honor Roll at SFA, the student must have earned a 4.0 semester GPA in 12 or more semesterContinue Reading
Today in Texas History: February 16
1949: Longoria given hero’s burial On this day in 1949, the body of Private Felix Longoria of Three Rivers, Texas, was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Longoria had died in the Philippines near the end of World War II. When his recovered remains were sent to Three Rivers for burial,Continue Reading
City Offices to Close Friday, Monday; Special Hours for Candidate Filing
The City of Jefferson offices will be closed on Friday and Monday in observance of Mardi Gras and President’s Day. If you’re planning on filing to be on the ballot for City Alderman, offices will be open from 8a-12:30p, and 3p-5p on Friday. The deadline is 5p.m.Continue Reading
Today in Texas History: February 15
1876: Texas adopts constitution On this day in 1876, citizens of Texas adopted the Constitution of 1876. They ratified it by a vote of 136,606 to 56,652. The document is the sixth constitution by which Texas has been governed since declaring independence from Mexico. Among the longest of U.S. stateContinue Reading
Lady Dawgs Top Sabine 37-34, Take Bi-District Title
CONGRATULATIONS LADY DAWGS!!!BI-DISTRICT CHAMPS!!! 37-34 WINNER OVER SABINE!!!Lady Dawgs move on to the AREA ROUND of the State Playoffs on Friday at UT Tyler at 6:30 PM against Winnsboro.GO LADY DAWGS!!Continue Reading