To the editor,  As a member of our local chapter of the  Daughters of the American Revolution, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the Jimplechute’s thoughtful and generous  coverage our recent American History Essay Contest. With the help of  the JISD administration and teachers, the contest challengedContinue Reading

To the editor, In 2019 Medicare quietly launched a scheme called Direct Contracting allowing insurance companies to control the healthcare of tens of millions of traditional Medicare and Medicare supplement beneficiaries. Direct Contracting inserts a for profit company between patients and medical providers. Companies are paid a monthly fee toContinue Reading

Warehouse a bad idea Letter to the Editor, Thanks to a concerned citizen and the Texas Freedom of Information Act, I have learned my neighbor at 305 S. Alley would like to build an industrial warehouse and a large covered parking lot suitable for large trucks. The historic district inContinue Reading

To the editor,  It is with great pleasure to announce that the Vacation Watch/Security Check program that the Jefferson Police Department provides was a great success for 2021.  Being one of the proactive approaches the department participates in aimed at reducing crime through an increase in visibility and proactive patrolling. Continue Reading

To the editor,  I want to respond to Rusty Burris’s Letter to the Editor. PER RUSTY BURRIS AND I QUOTE:  “The Biden poll numbers are in the “dump.” FACTUAL: YES, President Biden’s administration has only been for eight months which is hardly time to get true poll numbers and fromContinue Reading

To the editor,  The Excelsior Foundation board of directors had our regularly scheduled monthly meeting today, May 10, 2021, to confirm results of the called-meeting on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. Following our 67th annual performances of the Diamond Bessie Murder Trial, we are keenly aware that restoration plans for the Ruth LesterContinue Reading

Thanks for your support To the Editor,  Hello!  A very big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Jefferson, Texas Adopt-A-Cop!!  Many people have come forward with donations to help us assist our Marion County Law Enforcement.   Made in the Shade (Angie Hudson & Wes Jones), along with ChadContinue Reading